Friday, 28 December 2012

Long-form census in Canada

I wrote about this issue in July, when the government first indicated that they were against the collection of data. The people who will be hardest hit are those living in poverty or our working poor.


Then, an interesting editorial by a pollster...


Well, they are finding that the lack of information affects many of us, primarily it affects those who most need government services. People who otherwise slip through the cracks: new Canadians, people who need direct services, those who want to be able to access services but cannot read government brochures, on-line information, or talk to someone on the phone.

2011 Census of Population: Linguistic Characteristics of Canadians

In total, 58.0% of the population or 19,225,000 spoke only English at home, while 18.2% or 6,043,000 spoke only French. Both proportions were down slightly from 2006.
The use of multiple languages at home has increased. In 2011, 11.5% of the population reported using English and a language other than French, up from 9.1% in 2006.

Cancellation of long-form census begins to take a toll on Statscan data

OTTAWA Citizen -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper's cancellation of the long-form census has started to take a toll on Statistics Canada's data.
The agency released its final tranche of the 2011 census last week... "Data users are advised to exercise caution when evaluating trends related to mother tongue and home language that compare 2011 Census data to those of previous censuses," Statscan states bluntly in a box included in its census material. Officials have undertaken a thorough investigation, with a report to be published shortly.

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