Monday 19 November 2012

Three questions journalists should NOT ask

1. You do not appear concerned about this issue. Are you? Of course they are, but union leaders are not going to cry for you. It doesn't have to bleed to lead. They are quietly going about their jobs and fulfilling job requirements.

2. Is this fair? No. Nothing in life is fair. And the righteous, impoverished, sick, do not get their rewards. Ask any of my hospice clients, those in pain, those without money for food, clothing, pharmaceuticals, but fairness has nothing to do with what happens to us. Ask if it is legal, ask if there is a solution.

3. How do you feel about this? We know the answers... I've been robbed, I feel angry. I've lost a loved one, I grieve. I've done something stupid and I feel sick. (Everyone has the divine right to be stupid, the shame is when they act stupidly.) It's not fair and I will blame someone else and rant or cry for you, and media will exploit you on TV and online, but the audience isn't interested in these raw emotions, or anger, and we know how they must feel. We know this is true after the response to the piece on Restorative Justice. Katy Hutchinson's story.

Walking after midnight- all about her work on restorative justice.
Her husband was murdered one night in B.C., after going to a home where a teen party was going out of control.

On New Year's Eve in 1997, Bob McIntosh was murdered while trying to break up a teenagers' party at a friend's house. His wife, Katy, was left a widow with four-year-old twins. In the midst of her grief, and with remarkable courage and grace, Katy began an amazing journey of forgiveness. She recognized the need to educate teens about the risks arising from the combination of youth, alcohol and lack of supervision. She began speaking to schools and other groups about social responsibility, restorative justice and the transformative power of forgiveness. Katy waited for five years while the police uncovered and convicted Bob's killers. Ryan Aldridge was charged with Bob's murder in 2002. Astoundingly, Katy reached out to Ryan, and they have since forged a powerful and unique relationship. Ryan has now joined Katy in her speaking engagements, and Katy supported his recent successful appeal for early parole. Walking After Midnight is the extraordinary story of a life interrupted by unthinkable tragedy, and of Katy's commitment to turning the horror into a transformative gift. It offers a means for all of us to embrace fully the concepts of forgiveness and restorative justice.

About the Author

Katy Hutchison lives with her husband and family, including her now 13-year-old twins Emma and Sam, in Victoria, B.C. She speaks to people around the world about restorative justice and social responsibility. Hutchison has spoken at numerous schools, has appeared on national TV and has also been heard on radio across the country. She was nominated for the Courage to Come Back Award in 2003 and the Woman of Distinction Award in 2004.

1 comment:

Kay said...

I'm so amazed at the capacity of some people to forgive. It's really a lesson for all of us. I confess that I don't know if I could. And yet, Katy Hutchison must be at peace with the world.