Ontario produces a DVD of information.
Each province has much information, as well as rules and regulations. We just had our water tested, despite out summer drought. It is less likely to be contaminated in a drought situation.
Canadian Government Websites
Ontario's Wells Regulation (Reg. 903) for more information
The National Ground Water Association (US) encourages the public to protect public health and the health of the environment by protecting groundwater beginning on Protect Your Groundwater Day, September 11.
In the United States, 88 million Americans rely on groundwater-supplied community water systems while another 42 million Americans rely on individual household water wells.

1. Acknowledge the causes of preventable groundwater contamination
- Everyone
- There are hazardous substances common to households
- Most household water use occurs in a few areas around the home.
- If you own a water well
- Wellheads should be a safe distancefrom potential contamination
- Septic systemmalfunctions can pollute groundwater
- Poorly constructed or maintained wells can facilitate contamination
- Improperly abandoned wells can lead to groundwater contamination (read related article).
- Everyone
- What specific hazardous substances are in and around your home?
- Where do you and your family use the most water?
- If you own a water well
- Is your wellhead a safe distancefrom possible contamination?
- Is your well/septicsystem due for an inspection?
- Are there any abandoned wells on your property?
3. Take action to prevent groundwater contamination
- Everyone
- Modify your water use(more water saving tips)
- Install a water-saving device.
When it comes to hazardous household substances:
- Store them properly in a secure place
- Use them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations
- Dispose of them safely.
- If you own a water well
- Move possible contamination sources a safe distance from the wellhead
- Get current on your septicsystem inspection and cleaning
- Get an annual water well system inspection
- Properly decommission any abandoned wells using a professional.
I'm on town water but we all need to conserve. I live in York Region where water is expensive - even though there's a LOT of it. I think this is a good thing as it encourages people to use water more wisely.
Contamination is a huge problem everywhere. Sad.
I am on well water and we will not use many products on our lawn and gardens. Organic is the way to go. Great post.
I believe we get our water from artesian wells and reservoirs. I've been told our water is not as healthy as it once was.
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