He's a busy boy, Felix! He is enjoying swimming at the Olympics.
Yes, the video isn't great, but you can see her bopping around. This was taken through the window, while Felix was hopping up and down off of the table beside me.
Buster was outside somewhere. I think he didn't bother chasing them, the way Oliver used to!
Well we were bopping up and down watching the swimming last night too. Yahoo!
Is that the cat stroke? - Margy
What a darling little fawn, Jenn. The youngsters we see here are larger, because they come when there's snow and they want our ornamental crabapples.
I love the photos of Felix watching the swimming. When I was a teenager, my parents had a cat who would lie on the top of the TV and reach down to chase the hockey players.
Oh, Margy, what a hoot. Cat stroke...
Kay, I did competitive swimming in high school. I wish for the good old days!
What a beautiful video, nature at its best, thanks for sharing Jenn!
A wonderful site Jenn!
Thank you for your kind visit and comment on my blog!
So much fun! Nice to have the visitor...I think!
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