Feb. 3, 2015
A sweet bird with a sweet song, Jenn. I could almost believe it was right here in the room with me.K
Sweet little birds - and very sweet song! I don't know if I have ever heard that bird call before!
Oh I love your sweet bird photos, JenAloha from Waikiki,Comfort Spiral > < } } ( ° >
I had to hear one and find it before I realized what it was.
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A sweet bird with a sweet song, Jenn. I could almost believe it was right here in the room with me.
Sweet little birds - and very sweet song! I don't know if I have ever heard that bird call before!
Oh I love your sweet bird photos, Jen
Aloha from Waikiki,
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
I had to hear one and find it before I realized what it was.
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