Friday, 29 June 2012

Lake life, heron, water lilies

Water hyacinth
 With great delight, I took off for my first canoe paddle. I was in a Voyageur Canoe last Sunday, but this is different. Solitude, a quiet lake, a weekday morning with no tourists!

This was bliss.

Many thanks to Tressa and David, my neighbours, who are delightful, generous people.
Didn't mean to scare her!

She eyes me intently

Off she flew
Tricky to photograph, as the camera cannot automatically focus as quickly as she flies! I have a video of a heron squawking. The sound isn't pretty!
She left behind a feather in the bay.
It is longer than my hand-span.

 I thought this an interesting shot, even though she is out of focus!
Gentle breezes

Owners tore down an old cottage,
hammered down for a basement (trust me - we heard them),
and have built a new 'cottage'!

Pretty sights

The lakes are different here in Lanark County

You can see how shallow the lake. At its deepest point, it is only 60'. Our wee lake in Bala, Central Ontario, was 400m x 2km, and was 200' deep. The topography and geology is very different in south eastern Ontario.

A beautiful day on the water

The dratted helicopter - read all about him here.


water lilies

I tried, in vain, to capture a photo of a Bluefin Sunfish!

Waterlilies are blooming


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a great adventure. Nice pics.

Joe Todd said...

Great post. I've spent a lot of time on beautiful lakes like that.

TexWisGirl said...

i love the herons. lily pads, too. :)

Linda said...

Very nice photos of what looks to have been a very nice trip!

Red said...

The great heron is an interesting bird and your photos caught that.
A sixty foot deep lake here is very rare. The lake I'm on you can cross the 3 km and most of it is 6 - 8 ft deep with the odd hole about 10 ft.

Sallie ( said...

Beautiful canoe trip -- thanks for really does look lovely and peaceful -- heavenly.

Kay said...

Glad you had so much fun and saw such beautiful things. We did our first paddle type ride in Japan and had the worst time controlling the boat.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Jenn. Beautiful and patient photography! How nice to float upon that lake. If you have not read My War with the Osprey by John Steinbeck, it is a delightful short story Bill has talked about for years. I finally read it last week. You might enjoy it.

Thanks for sharing from your beautiful day!