What a great event, and I was working a table a block south! Totally missed it!
Thank goodness they have taped the gorgeous young people. All brave enough to stand up for one another.
LGBT Lanark County and Arts in Motion / Perth School of Dance came together to present this anti-bullying flash mob at Perth's Maple Festival. Dance instructor, Svetlana Tsimtsenko and her students graciously donated their time to choreograph and lead the dance. LGBT Lanark County members and their supporters, including 48 young students from Queen Elizabeth School (and their teacher, Sharon Neufeld), framed the students in the chorus.
People came from as far as Prescott to be involved in the event which was a huge success.
Thank you so much to Perth PC for technical support and Lake 88 for working with us to have air time.
LGBT Lanark | Facebook page | Perth School of Dance
I missed this too! (and you at the booth:( ) Thank you for posting this. It gave me chills! Hooray for these young people promoting #no more bullies. Love, love, love it!
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
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Good to show tolerance. NOBODY should be bullied or have to feel demeaned for their choices. Strides are being made, but it will still be tough to feel 100% safe in all situations for some time to come. At least moving in right direction. W.C.C.
It is truly wonderful when young people get involved - kudos to the youngsters and their teacher!
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