Friday 4 November 2011

First snow crystals are beautiful

Snow crystals, nature's beauty.


The cats are non-plussed. :-)

Yes, the first snow. Birds are more frantically seeking food.
The deer graze in the grass that grows in the warm sunshine. At night, they creep in the shadows, turning on the motion floodlights, eyes glitter in the light.

Such a contradiction, yet promise, that life still continues, and nature adapts to the changing seasons.

By the frog pond, the fall crocus still blossom. 
Jack Frost paints pictures on the glass.

Deer watches me from the lawn.
Last night's sunset

Lady Beetles seek the warm sun.

Evidence of animals in the forest
-on the move to find food.


Latane Barton said...

Snow, how enchanting it is. Love the star shaped 'flake' on your porch.

Powell River Books said...

Seems so soon, but we often get a good snow by the end of November, so I guess that isn't too far off. Tomorrow I am heading down to Bellingham with Mom. We are lucking out with partial sun and about 8 degrees. While traveling that isn't a problem, but we will be staying in the car on the 45 minute ferry ride so I don't want it to be too cold. We've had a wonderful vacation, all of us. Hope you are getting some time to yourself with all your hospice work. - Margy

You can never take too many pictures said...

A cold reminder but I do Love's magical blanket can change it's face and mood so quickly over the span of a day. I Love how light plays on it's surface and how each little flake catches a sparkle and clitter. Can't wait to strap on the Old Snowshoes again!!!!!

Kay said...

Oh how pretty the little snow flake is as well as the fall crocus. I didn't even know there were fall crocuses until I went to the Chicago Botanic Garden. However, those crocuses didn't quite look like the usual spring flowers. Yours really looks like the usual spring crocus.

Jenn Jilks said...

I agree, Kay. In hindsight, dumb to plant a flower for fall when I am out and away from the frog pond, unlike spring. SIGH.

Judy said...

It is funny watching an animal's first experience of snow. Or anything, I suppose...
But I am perfectly happy to let the snow wait another month and more! I am only just getting into frost!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful. How great to get a picture of that one snowflake. reminds me of when I was a kid and looked at snow crystals under a microscope for the first time..