What a weekend to be at the beach. We have an annual RVCA park pass.
I took my daughter and granddaughters to our local park, June 27th. We had so much fun.
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OPP Patrol the beach |

I visited on the Friday, August 19th, using my regular pass, since the volunteers weren't there guarding the gate of our park. I went back the next day, Saturday, and was told I must pay $5 to enter the RVYC Regatta. I asked if I could visit for 5 minutes to take some photos, and they agreed.

I was told by a young woman that the 'park was closed for regular visitors.' I am surprised that one can close a park to those who promote it and use it on a regular basis. I understand that the Regatta had expenses, but I wasn't participating in the event.
Many were renting space for their campers, I assume, to stay over night while participating in the RFYC Regatta, in a park that normally does not allow over night camping. That must be a treat. Sandy beach, refreshment tents, on a beautiful lake on the Rideau.

What a great weekend that was planned for Saturday/Sunday. There were folks building canoes, visiting with new/old friends, OPP guarding, many with displays selling one thing or another. The slide show, below, shows the photos I captured during my brief visit. The next post contains my video.
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
RVCA strives to protect the natural resources in the Rideau Valley watershed. We, as do all Ontarians, have a special interest in protecting water resources from contamination and mis-use. Our mission is to undertake environmental protection programs today that will leave a legacy of clean water, natural shorelines and sustainable land use for future generations.
*Rideau Watershed
The watershed of the Rideau River drains an area of over 4 000 square kilometres of Eastern Ontario. The main stem of the river flows in a northerly direction from Upper Rideau Lake near Newboro to the City of Ottawa where it tumbles over Rideau Falls into the Ottawa River. At Newboro, an artificial canal was constructed by Colonel By in 1832 to connect the north flowing Rideau with the south flowing Cataraqui system to create the Rideau Canal. Its original purpose was defence against American attack but now serves as a major navigational and recreational boating waterway.
The watershed includes well-known and well-loved towns such as Portland, Perth, Smiths Falls, Merrickville, Kemptville, and Manotick. About 620,000 people live in the watershed including a large part of the City of Ottawa, the fourth largest metropolitan area in Canada. There are 18 municipalities within the valley and most people, outside of Ottawa, draw their drinking water from the river or from groundwater.
My husband worked for the U.S. E.P.A. in Chicago and for many years in the Water Conservation Branch. It's great to hear when people make a concerted effort to keep our natural resources clean.
We've seen quite a few initiatives like this on the Gulf Coast. Great work!
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