Hubby has been getting up at daybreak every morn (when Oliver climbs onto our respective night tables and knocks our glasses off of the table) to grind up her pill into food, feeding Oliver in the closet so he doesn't eat the pill/food out from under her! It's complicated.

Good, old Sady has been reluctant to go outside. We're not sure if it is the BIG critters out there (turkeys and/or deer), or the fact that she's had an infection.
Well, the purpose of the story is to illustrate the beauty of the beasts, when they ventured out into 11+ C. temps, with the sun warming the concrete steps, luxuriating in the warmth and the apparent spring weather.

Wow Love your header shot! that's the new homestead I presume? not much snow left your way. The freeze has settled back in here, but knocked down a few feet of snow in some places...we did not get as much rain as predicted....hope kitties get better soon!!!!!
That is such a huge house on huge property. You are so lucky! Our property is very small. The only wildlife I get are lizards, birds, the neighbor's cat and miscellaneous bugs.
Yes, the new homestead, circa 1978...we're not sure. :-)
We didn't get much rain, really. Just as well. And pretty cold today. Very bizarre.
Kay, you are kind. Not so huge. a bungalow, 3 BR, and each cat has their own Bedroom. Of course, they share when we have guests!
The house has its quirks, but we'e been pretty happy with the land. No neighbours, lots of peace a quiet, but close to Perth!
We're happy hermits, and its much cheaper living here than in a city. Can 't wait to see what spring brings!
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