Saturday 2 October 2010

Snake, salamander, dragonfly, cat

We're making ourselves at home here. It's funny how one thing leads to another. I was putting my dragonfly up over our garage, with Joey's help steadying the ladder, not to mention the fabulous cordless drill I bought from the previous house owner!

Off in the forest I spotted something BLUE. Now, blue is not normal in the forest. Yellow, yes. The poplars are happily shedding their chlorofyll-deprived leaves.

Joseph went off to find out what it was.
Blue and yellow balloons.

On the way, he spotted a sweet little garter snake.

All that settled, I was looking for rocks to put around the garden, sure enough, another critter.

Blue-Spotted Salamander Ambystoma laterale.
I know one is not supposed to mess around with the critters. You look but don't touch. Leave them in their habitat. It was an accident. I covered the wee thing up quickly. They are nocturnal, unlike the busy, happy cat, Oliver. 

After chores were done, shopping (him), putting my tools away in the garage (me), feeding deer, birds and all (me, again), we went for a walkabout. The Dauphin, himself, came along.

Sheer glee, climbing trees, bouncing, like Tigger, through the weeds, grasses and forest. 

He likes his new place. I know. He came in smiling this morning after a good jaunt. There were a few feathers on his chin and cheeks. I am deeply suspicious. 

Back to the house, he had a wee run through the tree house. 

Happy as the cat who swallowed the canary, so-to-speak.

Camera Critters


eileeninmd said...

Love the cool dragonfly and a what a neat sighting of the salamander.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Very best wishes in your new home Jenn - how lucky to live near all those wonderful creatures and those fantastic autumn colours.

W.C.Camp said...

Cool Dragonfly - that place is really going to be great for you!

Jain said...

I love these glimpses of your new home, Jenn! I was sorry to see you leave the lake but this place looks terrific!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Loved meeting your new "neighbors Jenn! Lovely spot. Good move!

LHF said...

He looks so happy in the treehouse that it makes you

Jenn Jilks said...

Thank you, all. We're ALL happy. The tree house really draws the cats - toddler-sized, they seem to like it! Have to find time to house clean it. The pine needles are falling like mad.