The seagulls soar by with the sun shining through their wings.

The cats are thrilled to bits with open pavers, on which to roll and scratch their backs.

I love my lawn ornaments, usually buying one per season, they follow me from property to property. This is JOS. Our Thyme of the Season girl.
Lots going on in My World Tuesday, with raccoons digging up the flower beds in dusk and dark, looking for grubs. The clover is coming back, greening up nicely, soon it will be fodder for ducklings and goslings.
Hi Jenn, I enjoyed your My World post, signs of spring everywhere. Lovely photos and video, thank you.
Jos looks a lot like my first girlfriend.
Travis, you rebar...I mean, nutbar!
the very first, tentative, signs of spring. My garden is a little further advanced than yours, but then the snows left this part of the UK weeks ago. I have already put in many hours garening, turning the soil, putting compost on and pruning shrubs.
We have been promised sleet and rain for Easter, I hope my pretty jonquils and crocuses and anemonies will survive.
No raccoons here, just mice, who eat bulbs.
I love to watch as spring marches forward. The leaves on the trees behind my Mom's condo are visibly growing each day. Our view of the horizon is disappearing, but she likes this extra bit of privacy in the city. - Margy
Your Spring is beautiful. And, although we're happy in Florida, Spring just isn't the same in this climate -- the season as we knew it up North just really doesn't exist -- and I miss it. Thanks for sharing yours.
We had to drive through Atlanta to Emory today and could not believe how many trees were full of wonderful blooms – cherry trees I guess. I wanted to take their pictures but could not because of driving and so many cars around me but it was a delight to look at them. Your area looks like it is waking up too.
It really FEELS like spring is here now, doesn't it?
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