Friday 5 February 2010

Ants in my pants

Yes, I get antsy. Some days, in between my hospice clients, I go for a walk down at the lake.skywatch
A wonderful day to skywatch. 
Then, the clouds started rolling in, more nighttime snow squalls, yes, another few cms.

The other day my grateful bird friends were grabbing black sunflower seeds from my especially sophisticated, and classy bird feeder. (OK, a can with an old dog choke chain...)

A chickadee and a nuthatch were my friends.
The chain hangs off of a branch - small enough that the raccoons get worried, but the squirrels dig in at chow time, too.

Meantime, across the lake Mr. Twirlies (you know, like in the bathtub) were making their way across the frozen lake surface. It's difficult taking a photo ofit, as you want to stand, fascinated, while this little mini-cyclone makes its way across the flat powdery snow.

One came very close, thank goodness for the 'sports' feature on the camera. It danced gaily in front of me, celebrating the freedom and the delight of the wind.
Then the snow danced up on the lakeshore, to sprinkle more snow on the branches.
Across the lake, a lone snowshoer makes his way marching I know not where. By dark, I hadn't seen him return. I ought to go and see where his tracks went in the night.

Far across the lake, on the snowmobile trail, cylcop monsters were roaring out from the forest, breaking the stillness of the windswept afternoon.

I haven't seen the tracks of the wolf or the fox lately. Things have been pretty busy on the lake. Late-night revelers zooming through the night.


eileeninmd said...

Wonderfuk skies and beautiful birds.

Sylvia K said...

Such terrific captures, wonderful words and such a delightful post! Always fun to visit! I don't envy your cold winter, but I do love your posts about it! Have a great weekend, stay warm and enjoy!


Carolyn said...

Hi Jenn, lovely post and great photos. You are definitely getting all the snow "so far" this year...Toronto has almost none and Ottawa the same.
Have a great weekend and stay warm.
Smiles and blessings

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great pictures. I love'em.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Jenn: Neat photos of the sky and those are cool birds at your feeder.