Snowmobile Incidents, Accidents and Near Misses 2009-10
But it is deadly. After last year's rescues, they are now billing those who foolishly risk their own life and limbs, as well as those who rescue them. It is unfair for families, survivors, and EMT crews who risk their lives to rescue those who foolishly choose to go out of bounds. Yet, in past news, survivors protest loudly when a rescue isn't timely enough according to their schedule.The latest news:
2 Ont. skiers plunge to deaths near B.C. resort
Jan. 28, 2010
Two Ontario skiers were killed after they slid over a cliff in an out-of-bounds area near the Revelstoke Mountain ski resort in southeastern B.C., police said.
Three males: 47 years, a 17 and 16-year old. The latter is the only survivor, with an injured ankle he was airlifted out, but the other two died after sliding down the rock face over a cliff.
Read more:
- Quebec couple chose to ski out of bounds: court documents
- 4 men who went out of bounds at B.C. ski area banned, billed
- New B.C. avalanches claim 2 lives in 24 hours
- Father and son billed for backcountry rescue
The Canadian Avalanche Association offers a danger scale. Interactive maps to show where it is safe and where avalanches are a risk.
Avalanche death toll hits 24 across Western Canada, U.S.
This took place in Valemount on Saturday April 4th/2009 at about 2:30 pm. Caution there is some swearing.
The video shows a snowmobiler climbing a steep face in the Monashee Mountains near Valemount, B.C. Taped just two days ago, the snowmobiler climbs past the high marks left by previous riders. Just after the machine reaches the top of its curve, the slope fractures and rider and machine are carried down in a very large avalanche. stated the Canadian Avalanche Centre press release.
14 avalanche deaths mark tragic start to year 2009
This was such a tragedy last year. Seven people gone in nearly an instant.
10. A skier has been killed in an avalanche in southwestern B.C.
The RCMP said the man died Wednesday on Mount Currie, about 15 kilometres northeast of Whistler.
Four skiers — two males and two females — were caught in the slide at about 2 p.m. PT, said RCMP Sgt. Peter Thiessen.
One of the males was caught and buried in the slide and was dug out by his companions, but had died at the scene, said Thiessen.
The man was in his 30s and from the Pemberton area, within a few kilometres of Mount Currie.
He is the tenth B.C. avalanche victim so far this winter.
The RCMP said the man died Wednesday on Mount Currie, about 15 kilometres northeast of Whistler.
Four skiers — two males and two females — were caught in the slide at about 2 p.m. PT, said RCMP Sgt. Peter Thiessen.
One of the males was caught and buried in the slide and was dug out by his companions, but had died at the scene, said Thiessen.
The man was in his 30s and from the Pemberton area, within a few kilometres of Mount Currie.
He is the tenth B.C. avalanche victim so far this winter.
Another avalanche in B.C. kills two
Slide buries three in Wells Gray provincial park; third deadly avalanche in a weekThe latest news: March 13, 2010
I have been carefully collecting these stories, but this latest one is a crime. At a High Marking event (see the videos below), well after the season should be done...
It is time that we slow down, enjoy nature, and show more concern for the land. There is danger in those hills.
For dare devils, they risk the lives of EMS crews, driving 300HP machines in this high adrenaline sport, high marking on the mountains. This is the
reason for the avalanche: these machines. Warnings were out.
This is the way they celebrate speed and power. This is the price their families will pay. They call it Sled Shot. Boys and their toys... This is the video from last year's event. You can see from the screen shot (above) the chaos, the machines, the speed.
Hundreds caught in B.C. avalanche; 2? dead, at least 12 injured
Avalanche kills 2 at B.C. snowmobile event
Interactive Map: Recent avalanche deaths in British Columbia(2010)
Officials still don't know how many are missing after slide strikes backcountry snowmobile event near RevelstokeTwo people get caught in an avalanche when snowmobiling at Three Ladies, B.C Canada, March 22nd 2008. It apparently took an hour to dig one of the sleds out.
The Canadian Avalanche Association offers a danger scale. Interactive maps to show where it is safe and where avalanches are a risk.
Avalanche death toll hits 24 across Western Canada, U.S. Jan. 8, 2008
14 avalanche deaths mark tragic start to year 2009
Dec. 28, 2009
This was such a tragedy last year. Seven people gone in nearly an instant.
Absolutely awful Jenn - some people never learn do they.
How is the class going?
My 'Pen Men' class diminished from 11 men to 5! Not surprising, I'm sure I'm older, and not what they had in mind! :-)
I'll do a brief debriefing shortly.
Personally, I don't understand the mentality of going out of bounds. I guess that's one reason I am still living past middle age!
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