Josephine, our delightful granddaughter loved to listen for them across the lake. She could identify the sound!
I bought Brian a train set a few years ago. It is a Christmas tradition to bring it out.
Now, a Christmas ritual, we set it up every year. All of us are amused. It requires some patience to get it on the track and running smoothly. Good lessons, once I haven't mastered!.
The train's tracks, like many of us, are wearing with age. You go around and around in that rat race, and things seem to squeak. There are noises never before heard, and moan and groans as we bend over. Things just don't look as they used to. We droop and must become adjusted with the new look.
There is a solution for the train tracks.

For more Camera Critters, #91
what a sweet video!
Happy New year!
I love your video. Your cat looks similar and moves like ou maine coon Chrissie.
Our Suzie would love the train for about a minute. We would gladly pay that much for her minute of joy though... Who runs this house?
I remember my brother's Lionel train, received for Christmas, set up in the basement during winter. It was a big set with multiple routes, buildings, bridges and landscaping. I'll bet the cats like to watch or chase.
My cats are feeling the house bound blues too! I went out and got them some new toys but I think I should have bought them a train set! Nice video!
Cute video! I guess cats are just like little boys they like the train sets.
What a great entry you have! Wishing you all the best this year. God Bless you and your family.
Mine is up! Hope to see you. Your comment is much appreciated.
I have been looking at all your lovely snow pictures and all the videos you posted. We had snow just for a little while in Columbus, Ohio before we drove to the airport to fly back to Atlanta. I did take a couple of pictures but was in the snow for maybe 5 minutes, that’s all. I enjoy reading your blog and wish you a great year 2010 with much happiness and fun.
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