However, I cannot complain.
With the devastation in Haiti...many gone before their time, bodies in mass graves.
I hope that those who suffer will come to terms with what has happened. An awful twist of nature, of rocks and human-made stones.
I wish all the rescue teams and the Haitians Godspeed. We know they will do what they can in a terrible situation.

They railed against old age and aching bones, but it is a badge of courage to carry on. Failing hearing, arthritis, is is a tough stage of life. We have found a place for them. And they can now rest after a life of work and meaningful lives. I believe, that they have new bodies, and the shells that were once their bodies, gone to ashes, mean little.
The dates on the calendar, of their birthdays, their passing, their anniversary, mean little. I need not fear them. For I can call my parent's spirits, and they are in my heart. The legacy they left; of kindness, of contributing to my community, of love for the common good, and respect for humanity, help me move forward.
I am grateful for my blessings. I cannot complain.
Reflective and quite thoughtful post.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
A beautiful and very moving post, Jennifer. Thank your for your words and for your thoughts and for sharing them with us. It's always a good thing to stop now and then and count our blessings particularly in light of the horror in Haiti.
Jenn that is a lovely post and tribute to your parents.
I didn't know that about the Titanic.
Lovely post. Sorry to hear about your parents - it's all a part of life.
I too feel miserable about the huge magnitude of this tragedy. I hope and pray that those who survived come to terms with the tragedy soon, face life with a new vigor and move on.
I didn't know about the Titanic graves. Tragedies, funerals, and cemeteries remind of us of own mortality and the need to stay connected with our loved ones.
Such a beautiful and poignant post Jenn.
Smiles, hugs and blessings.
dear jenn...this was a very moving post. have a wonderful week.
Chin up, Jenn. The world is wet and dreary and terrible but the sun is supposed to come out tomorrow and we will soldier on. Thanks for your introspective and lovely post.
A beautiful, moving post, Jenn.
A nice connection with past and present, and the personal.
Chin's not down, Cathy! I love the changing seasons. I am so grateful we Do NOT have earthquakes, or corrupt officials, and we do have a strong infrastructure.
Thank you, all. I have come to terms with my mortality, and find it intriguing looking back, and forwards. My Hospice clients give me perspective.
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