Monday, 5 October 2009

Falling leaves, falls away

Alright, time for true confessions. When I taught it was the law to produce a 'Day Book' explaining your teaching plans for the day, sometimes it was a 'Day Behind' book.
This is a day behind blog! Yes, we are on the road. My daughter asked, how come you were giving Josephine a bath when you produced the blog?
I planned ahead! Yesterday we were in Kingston, at the Sir John A. Macdonald Museum. And I have some great shots! But any good blog is written, reviewed, and rewritten. I have a great plan. And a new character for my blog! Wait'll you see! I had a great book signing Saturday, and a great day, today, meeting family friends who knew me when I was an infant. There are not many left that we are speaking to! (Long story, read the book!) Often when family members become ill, the family has issues!
But in Muskoka, the leaves are turning.

Don't miss the fall colours! With photographers around you are guaranteed to get them!
Here is a camera with a lens to adore.

And we love our tourists visiting. He is obviously from the US! Check out the licence plate. Oops, license plate in the US!South Ontario = a beautiful place to be!


Kathy W said...

LOL wish I had the money to go visit where you are right now. The colors are beautiful. The trees are just barely starting to change colors around here. Beautiful pictures.

Gaelyn said...

The colors are gorgeous. Glad you had a good time with some relatives.

BTW, you look beautiful in the pic at the book signing.

Have a great trip.

Judy said...

I love that first photo! The contrast between the one red/bare branch and the green background!

Lorac said...

Sounds great! Can't wait to see the new addition!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great colors. That guy has quite a camera and lens. I bet it is worth more than my car.