Sunday, 4 October 2009

Climate Change

The proper term is "Climate Change", rather than Global Warming, since the weather can go either way!

I don't like the unpredictable nature of it. You get your brain around morning temperatures of 6+, and in mid-September a.m. it is 18 C.! Today, we are sinking into a cold spell.

The dry weather we have had is symptomatic of the whole thing. That and the buckets of rain in July!

I fear for our planet. I just hope our young people are getting the message big business and polluters have not taken in for the many years we have spoken about this concept. I taught environmental issues in my elementary classes, and I know our young people 'get it' for the most part.

We must look after our environment, starting at home. The plant needs to be helped one ecosystem, one biodome at a time.

We went to Coldwater for the horse show.
We drove through the Wahta Territory

Wahta Territory is a small Mohawk community located in the Muskoka region of central Ontario, Canada. The Wahta Mohawks Administration building is located at Muskoka Rd. 38 and Highway 400 and is the centre of many community activities. The wooden, longhouse styled building and the rustic locale, make this a beautiful place all year round.

Passing their marvellous signs.

'Please brake for snakes'
It is important to slow down in such areas. You can see the marshes that line the roads, with the gorgeous trees in the background.

The firebush at the Coldwater Recreation Centre was amazing, reminding us to watch for fire, too! Fall is here, with about 60% of the leaves turned.


Gaelyn said...

A beautiful place. Like the signs. Too bad we have to be reminded of these things.

I have to believe that the young people do understand that the climate and planet are changing. Time to make our own adaptations.

Grizz………… said...

I'm glad they've finally given up on the "global warming" misnomer, when certain regions of the planet are actually getting cooler. "Climate change" is a more honest and accurate term. Which isn't to say we shouldn't be paying attention to environmental issues—particularly auto emissions, greenhouse gasses, pollution of lands and streams, etc. We need always to care for our environment rather than exploit and abuse it.

BTW, love your autumn header scene.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Yes the implications and uncertainities of climate change are really worrying..... I think a lot of young people get it, but I'm not sure that politicians and big business will all get it quickly enough....

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Lots of denial on the climate change issue. Lots of confusing data also. In principle regardless of whether a person thinks that people are causing climate change or if it is a natural cycle, I think less emissions of anything is the way to go.

I love the snake braking sign and the firebush.

Judy said...

Jenn, I sure hope this is a timed post, and that you did not drive to Ottawa, and then home for today! I love the signs! I have been looking for a turtle crossing sign all summer, but have not seen one!
The autumn colours are wonderful, and the fogs we have been getting, but I am not happy thinking about what comes next!