Wednesday 5 August 2009

Watery Wednesday #47

watery wednesday
There is nothing better than visiting grandma, except dancing in rain in the lake with your rain boots.

We have spent hours taking walks down to the lakeshore to see the 'ducks', her name for all the birds around.

The water has been grand, with big waves and wind.

C'mon in, the water's fine!
Eva leaps into the water when I arrive on the dock.


Judy said...

Hi, Jenn - The bit about your granddaughter calling all birds ducks reminds me of my eldest nephew calling all four legged creatures sqirrels. There sure were a lot of squiirels when they went to the zoo!
Take care

me said...

hi Jenn

You've had some rain up there havent you. Hope the sun is shining today. We are off on the river today

Kathy W said...

What a cute photo of her in her rain boots. Looks like she is having fun with grandma. =)

Glennis said...

Got to have the rain boots on, just in case! Grand children are so much fun1
Nice 'duck' pictures too.