Statistics never tell the full story. The kids that almost get into trouble and escape lightly. It would be interesting, methinks, to track the ones that had accidents and were treated by medics, without visiting the hospital or being charged.
No wonder there are 'accidents'. We never allowed our son to drive in the car with other teens. It is too dangerous a game.
Last week, on Aug. 10th, I knew I had heard another siren. A young man was dragging 3 friends around behind a Donzi boat, on a tube. The tubers were flung into a boat that was docked. Two had injuries and were treated at the scene, the othe went to hospital and was discharged. My oh my.
Never mind mandatory life jackets, PFDs will not protect from this kind of idiocy. My question, where were the parents? The boat operator was under age (Youth Criminal Justice Act) and his name cannot be reported. He was charged with not having a spotter. "Failing to keep a proper look out," in contravention of the Canada Shipping Act.
- Crew Accommodation Regulations [ DF 66 Kb](C.R.C., c. 1418)
Canadian Shipping Act, 2001 (2001, c. 26) - List of Acts - Acts ... , 2001 - Transport Canada's Acts and Regulations.
There sure is a lot of stupidity in this world.
I'll bet the medics do track the attended near misses. But many others slip through the waves.
I often wonder what makes people do some of the things they do???
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