In the case of Nancy Tapley, she gives you a tour of the property, she makes you laugh (the signage alone), she invites my hubby to visit with the horses (he grew up with them) and she sends you home with a dozen free range eggs. A brief drop-in visit to Bondi Resort, on our anniversary trip, was a treat.
Nancy and I have been visiting virtually for awhile now. I like to keep track of what is going on with Muskoka bloggers. It is a great way to promote our fine region.

This lodge is beautiful! A typical Muskoka spot. No cottageocracy in sight. There is a great spirit amongst the family and employees who help make it a go! Nancy's blog is a story of flora and fauna, poetry, information about, for example, loons, and

She has a way with her chickens! Our family used to visit Bondi back when I was a young teenager when life was easy and my parent's longevity wasn't a concern. Life was good! The tradition was the last w/e of January, for a downhill skiing holiday with Pat & Bob Scythes (right) on a visit. They booked the resort and several families would go with them for a lovely inexpensive vacation, good food, both kinds of skiing and much laughter.
She is an amazing woman, Nancy. With a well-run resort, many friends; 30

I haven't been back since my teens, since we live in Muskoka it is much the same living by a lake. I am glad I did pop in, however. They are practically neighbours. Bondi Resort is just down the road from Deerhurst, where all h3ll will break loose for the G8 conference in June 2010. I wonder how the animals will cope with the fooferaw! We have had much in the way of jets and helicopters passing over in practices. Deep breath, Muskokans! (Although many threaten to leave town for those two weeks!)
Such fun to have you drop by, Jenn. Anytime you are passing (lost in navigation), do come again. I am told that your map reading skills are "creative", but the chauffeur didn't really seem to mind! Thanks for the lovely blog post. Our resort still have a few vacancies for the end of the season, and we are open year round. Maybe we'll get you back up here for some skiing or snowshoeing!!?
P.S. Wait till the 'new' chickens with the feathery feet arrive!!!!
I stopped by to see your post the storm.... But I certainly enjoyed *meeting* Nancy and must now visit her blog too!
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