Fill up the bucket

empty it; fill it again
smile with joy
the satiny liquid caresses our spirits
as much as tiny fingers
thoughtfully learning about its flow
watering her hand
it runs down an arm
dripping off of an elbow
along the rock
for a meeting with the sparkling lakewater
water Gramma's toes
chuckle with amusement
gaze at Mummy
pure pleasure
happiness is a bucket of water
can it get any better than this?
hello jenn. this brings back so many gorgeous memories (as it will for anyone with children in their lives) of days spent watching a little person discover the wonders of sand and water and rocks. it never really disappears but becomes something we're more circumspect about (well some people are!!) i still am fascinated by it all!! such magic eh jenn!!!! steven
Hi Jenn,
If only life were always this simple - and enjoyable!!
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