This is, indeed, a watery tale. I watch my birds by the water every day. They always tell me a story.
My dear visiting goose, Eva, has lost her partner, but every day she looks after her goslings. She is vigilant. She watches their every step, despite their being almost as big as she. She even provides protection the precious little duck, Carlos.

Then, she tries to be part of the duck group. But no dice; one of them chases her off. She is valiant in trying to be a part of the group. Everyday she comes by. She eats well, she hangs out with the big ki

The video is a photo collage of Carlos' story.
Your observations make for an excellent story along witht the marvelous captures. Enjoyed your slide show.
Oh, it's a wonderful video, Jenn! I'll be back to watch it again!
I feel bad for Eva. She has a big job with all those goslings.
It's not easy for Carlos either. Nonetheless, your slide show was a hoot. ;-)
thank you for introducing us to Carlos!
Comfort Spiral
How wonderful to watch the goings on of the bird life. I used to live on the Grand Union Canal in West London and got fond of our resident Swans and Ducks. It was a treat to watch them live their lives.
Great photos and so interesting to watch the birds and be able to know some individuals.
Thanks for telling us Carlos' story and sharing the video with us.
Great photos Jenn and I hope Carlos continues to hold his head high. The video is great. Have a wonderful week from very sunny and hot Haida Gwaii.....sorry I couldn't help myself ;)
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