These contests have similar guidelines, and very specific entry rules ($ per poem, single or double-spaced, name on back of paper, or font size). Follow them, as many groups receive hundreds, if not thousands, of entries. I have had two poems published in these contests. My entry did not, of course win, but they then print them in a chap book that you will receive in the mail. Mine collect dust on the shelf, but I know they are there!
It is best to workshop your poem before you get there. Read it aloud to yourself, read it to others. Skype with a friend if you have no writer's workshops in your area.

Submit it to various sites: PoetryDances,ning,com has separate folders for those who want mild, moderate or hard-nosed feedback. You can make your choice. This is a great spot to go, for you can read feedback from other submissions and figure out what does and does not work.
Write the poem, leave it, go back to it. Write a little every day. Make a space in your life to write. Set yourself up in a particular (quiet) spot. Listen to your iPod if quiet is not possible! Use the writing implement that makes you most comfortable; pen, pencil, computer.
Natalie Goldberg (Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, 1986 ; Wild Mind: Living the Writer's Life, 1990 ) often writes about meeting a friend in a cafe, on a regular writing date alone or with a friend, to embed discipline into the writer's life. If you want to read about writing - check out her books, especially the earlier ones, as she is an experienced teacher of writing. Her teaching methods do translate into her written text rather well. I used it often when doing writing projects with my grade 8 students.
Canadian and International Poetry Contests

Poetry Groups

Gosh, Jenn, how com;plicated it all is - don't think I shall be entering any poetry competitions - I just like to write it for my own pleasure.
Maybe we shall come to Canada and be a bit nearer to where you live another year. Toronto was lovely - we have been before and love it. Also found Montreal and Ottawa very interesting. Canada is my favourite country - would love to live there.
Hi Jenn,
Lots of things to look at and think about but as Weaver says, not sure I'm ready for the bright lights just yet!
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