Tuesday 21 April 2009

Watery Wednesday #32

Finally, the lake is thawed out. Now, the wind is whipping up the waves and sending flotsam and jetsam from the other end of the lake our way. Damn seasonal visitors who leave crap around! The high spring water picks it up and sends it afloat.

Funny how we used to long for Friday to arrive. These days it means crowds and tourists. The first fishermen were on the lake Thursday last. I had a canoe ride the day before, though, and beat them!

The ducks are happy the water is open. The geese, in the iMovie below, shows us how easy it is to land on water. My NaPoWriMo poem #20 was prompted by this video.


Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely to see the geese coming in...

Linnea said...

Perfect landing! Nice lighting you took these in! I, too, posted a pic of geese! Happy WW...

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

hehe That was cute! My WW is very similar....though no fun video :)

New Mexico