You wanted to come early. We could have camped in EG with the horses. What were you thinking?"
He said, "I knew all the good nesting spots would be gone if we didn't get here early. You wanted me to do the plan and I did the travel plan. I always plan the trips."
"I knew there'd be snow. There might be global warming, but it's still April. Tennessee has periwinkle. Bankside has leeks. But oh, no, you had to come. Snow everywhere. This was your dumb idea, get the choice spots..."

"But hon..."
"Don't you 'hon' me. Now, its snowing harder. You said the lake would be open, but there's only one little patch. I'm freezing. "
He said, " C'mon out of the water and stop pouting. Spring will come. The ice will melt off the lake and the clover will grow again. Just be patient dear. "
"Don't you tell me to be patient. I keep praying for patience to hurry up and get here but it hasn't. Mother said we were leaving too early. Remember her telling us about Uncle Ross who came out too early? Never heard from him again."
"Yes, dear. Your mother's always right. You sound just like your mother."

"I'm nothing like my mother. You should be more like your brother, Gilbert."
"But look, dear, we've got clover and cracked corn. We'll be fine. Just suck it up. Oscar & Myrtle are here. We can visit."
"I don't care if the ducks are back. What do the ducks know? My feathers are soaked. The water is cold. I'm up to my nether regions in water. I'm just a mess. You're gonna pay for this. I should have married Gilbert, instead."

"You had a big fight with Anne & Gilbert yesterday, too, that wasn't pleasant. That silly woman videotaped it."
"Now baby. Didn't I buy you a fine meal at Grizzled's place? Didn't you enjoy that? That should hold you over."
"Well, it didn't. Yesterday, Oliver chased you back into the water, she took a photo of that, his favourite mice aren't even out. He's taking it out on us."
"Honey bun, I know we shouldn't have moved from Ottawa. Judy's got crocus. But you didn't like it there. Too many politicians in Ottawa - and civil servants."
"I want to visit Cloudia, in Hawaii. Hawaii doesn't have snow. And how are we supposed to start a family in a snow bank? We should have begun nesting at the river. We had a nice lunch there. We would have been ahead of the crowd. "
"Yes, dear. You're right dear. Well, come up on the dock, love. We can have

"That won't help. It's feather-chilling cold and wet. I've preened and preened and I'm still a mess."
"C'mon, love. You look beautiful to me. Have a nice nap. You know what they say, 'Let sleeping geese lie.' "
And they snored happily on the dock, and they lived happily ever after, ready to create a new nest, new family, in a new season.
Today's post was ghost/guest written by Eva & Eddie, a little the worse for wear.
Well, you made me smile with this post! Hmmm. I wonder what Eva and Eddie will be saying if we really DO get 10 to 20 centimetres of snow on Monday.
What a clever post! You can tell Eva and Eddie that Tennessee is supposed to get below freezing Monday and Tuesday nights. Perhaps that will help them to feel better.
Thank you, both. It was my husband's idea. He just sort of breaks into tongue and speaks for our critters. He does this all the time!
Together we wrote about Alyce Gwyldfire.
It keeps us amused, language and word play!
Beautiful post! Though... brrr~!!! Thanks for popping by my site and for the kind words. Don't feel to jealous--- I'm not in Sedona, but Ohio now. (I visited Sedona years ago and always had that image itching around my brain.) If it makes you feel better, though we're currently experiencing 60 degrees and sunny, they are predicting "random" snow storms tomorrow and Tuesday. (Random? As opposed to organized?)
Anyway- thanks!
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