It made me think of my collection of things heron. This is a collection of my photos and artifacts of all things Blue Heron. I know that Spring has truly arrived, and that Summer is not far off when she comes back from her winter trek south. I have photos, ornaments, artifacts, paintings and sculptures of these creatures.
Only once did I spot two heron together. At that time, I was making a decision about putting our ailing cat to sleep. The two birds were flying north across my backyard in Manotick. although they often squaaaaawk as they fly by our home, I seldom hear them. One of the heron split off and began flying to the east, alone. I knew, in my heart and mind, that it was time to put my very ill cat out of her misery. She was skin and bones, coughing, and in pain. Her ashes are in our mantle, where she watches over us.

So pleased Jenn that I nudged you into posting your blue heron story and the lovely picture. We have a grey heron here on our beck, but the blue one is so much prettier. Do you visit Riverdaze (see my blog list if you don't); he has a wonderful photo of a blue heron on his header.
I do visit Riverdaze and have seen his header! I think I found the page through yours.
I adore his photos and contemplations. Makes me feel better sitting by the lake and taking photos myself. I feel such guilt - that I ought to be up and out and doing something...I find permission there to relax and enjoy nature becuase I get so much pleasure from these kind of blogs.
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