Monday, 2 February 2009

mother with 6 kids has 8 more

A single mom with 6 kids having fertility treatments? What is with this?

At least in Canada we have ethics committees. She is going to manipulate her way to fame, while risking the social and emotional health of her children and exploiting them at the same time. Newspapers are hopping: (Australian news, BBC, NBC, UK Times , ABC news) and some say she is talking about deals with Oprah and US tabloids. Latest is: she has hired an agent. She has made the front page internationally.

What some news items say is that she cannot have had 8 eggs implanted in Canada (and in American clinics) as that violates their ethical policies. She may have had fertility treatments and/or hormones, but that said, what an abuse of the US health care system. It costs in the four-digit range to implant, never mind the drain on health care resources, both human and physical. She now has a publicist and has appeared on NBC. And the media continue to give her fame and yet there is little glory. Most accounts point to the fact that she is partnerless, unemployed and lives with her parents.

It is an abuse of the children; manipulating them for monetary gain. In Canada, we learned from the exploitation of the Quintuplets. This is a crime. She cannot raise them with the care and devotion that children deserve. I hope someone somewhere learns a lesson from this.

Then there is the 60-year old with new-born twins in Calgary. What are they thinking? The reader's comments are a hoot.

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