flashes of blue green
another transformer blows
lifeline to civilization
hydro poles lean slowly
finally plummet to earth
wires snap in desperation
trees stand tall then fall
ice coats a burden
cruel twist of nature
crown after crown crashes down
remaining knights reign in fractured glory
icy clatter of frozen fingers
sentinels standing display broken limbs

stark white in the gray sky
as cold at the trees
I stand alone at my window
crews drive through bleeding streets
knights in shining armour
their steed a red charger
spotlights shine on damage
they search for deadly terror
comforting to know I am not alone
warmer months reveal festering wounds
broken arms bleed sap
wounded trunks lean drunkenly against comrades

weight of new leaves brush the grass
families pile broken limbs
buds trying to break free
driveways sadly piled high
altars to our weekends work
healing begins
J. Jilks, 1998
Visit my student's writing here.
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