Wednesday 17 December 2008

Fox in the snow

I arose to a dusting of snow today. Well, more than a dusting. But it was light as a feather. The cats burst out of the door. Oliver (the black cat) took off above the garage in the rafters, looking for his breakfast on the hoof.

Sady, our tabby, took her position on the deck in the snow. She's a tough cat, having treed a fisher our first year here. Somehow she ruffles up her fur the way the birds expand their feathers. It keeps the warmer air next to their skins and keep them warm. Mind you, at -10˚ C. it is tricky keeping warm at all.

I fed the last cat, Mitz, the only one remaining in the house and she took her position at the side of the dish. Reaching in she grabs a morsel in a claw and brings it to her mouth. My she has emotional issues! (A long story!)

I went and took my spot in my chair and began reading my e-mail and my blogs of the day. The wood stove hadn't heated up yet, but I opened the curtain partially, to foxlook out over the lake as I read.

Lo and behold, the fox went galloping by. It was such a beautiful sight. I was going to run for the camera, but decided that I would post last year's photo and simply enjoy the sight. Such bright red fur; loping across the thin ice. It cannot be any more than a few inches thick. Last week it was looking like puddles on a pond. They seem to know how far out to go. When the ice was about 15 m out it cut a path just a m or so out. The ice being thicker, it has more confidence.

The ducks and the geese have gone, as have the heron. The blue jays are busier than ever. The food fights have started at the feeders. We have 4 feeders up and running. I think, with 3 cats, we couldn't possibly be any more nuts. ('scuse the pun!)

I counted 5 squirrels vying for position at the bird feeder. The woodpeckers continue to hang off the feeder, upside down swinging like a pendulum. The raccoons have been in the semi-hibernation, I think, as they haven't been around for weeks. They are regular visitors.

The pileated woodpecker is so majestic. They bash away at the large tamarack digging orange-sized holes. But the wee downy and hairy woodpeckers have their place in the pecking order. Each creature has its purpose. The deck is a busy intersection. It is like our personal TV show, the only cost being the bird seed!


Travis Erwin said...

I love hiking in a good snow. the tracks are always fun to see.

rgl said...

Well, the snow is deeper in Muskoka than in Saskatchewan, that's for sure. I imagine it is rarely gets as cold as our normal cold day, let alone our long spells of Siberean weather. Love your photos. The variety of wildlife visible from your home is incredible.