I decided to write about my region. I live in Central Ontario, not far from Bracebridge on this map. I spent the first 25 years of my life in Toronto, the 2nd 25 in Ottawa. We have had some animal stories here in Ontario.
Firstly, a wallaby escaped from its pen after a tree fell on the fence. The poor wee thing has been tracked all over south eastern Ontario from its home in Kingston. Their website tracks its sightings. It has made the news as it pops up in orchards and travels around. The first woman who sighted it didn't really believe what she saw!
Next, the Fallow Deer Reserve, near Kingston, had someone vandalize their fence and shoo their 13 rescued deer outside of the pen. A damn shame during hunting season, especially. They managed to herd 6 of them back in, and another returned, but the others are AWOL. What are people thinking?
We have had some wicked rain, and have gone from balmy 20+ Celsius (68 F) temperatures, to single digits in a day. It sure changes your perspective. The leaves are down and the November Lake Effect rains have been coming in. The winds whip across Georgian Bay, from across the Great Lakes, and our lake is slowly filling up with rain in preparation for the winter freeze. The water and the snow protects nature, both animal and vegetable, in Mother Nature's blanket. However, I know what the Spring will bring (YouTube video) and laud it, too.
That said, the sunrises have been exquisite. Each change in temperature, sun and light levels paint a different picture.

The ducks, now grown, still hang around our frontage, eyeing warily the hunters that pass by in their boats. The warm temperatures have delayed their trip.They are a bit jumpy and the ducks that formerly approached when they saw me move towards the barn, and the cracked corn supply, fly off until I put out the food and move away.

Muskoka sounds like a lovely place to live, but it's a shame about the deer being set lose during hunting season. Hope they turn up alive and someone finds out where the wallaby has gone on his walkabout. Loved the sunrise picture, just beautiful.
It would freak me out to see a wallaby here in Texas and even more so in Canada.
And I meant brethren inthe msot generic way. Just my attempt to be colorful with wording I guess, but I certainly wasn't trying to exclude anyone. Especially since very few men participate. Of course we are vastly outnumbered here in the blogosphere.
We have snow this morning in Detroit. Probably you too.
Great photo of the ducks flying. Those take a while to snap.
The duck photos are so much fun, thanks ...Fries. You can't blink and have to set the camera to speed shooting! We sit by the shore, sip our coffee, and meditate and patiently wait.
Muskoka is lovely in the summer. I'm not much of a winter person.
I don't mind the winter, Barbara. You either can take it or you can't!
After 25 years in Ottawa, and many years of yard duty with a similar climate, it doesn't make much difference to me now. We are usually 5 degrees colder than TO, with a ton more snow!
One of the deer passed away today. Two women in a car, with a video camera, chased one. The keepers captured it by tranquilizing it - as it was under stress. It was one of the shyer ones. It passed away today with the stress ("capture myopathy"). Such a shame people can't leave nature alone after all of the media coverage.
I miss Muskoka!
Thanks for sharing Muskoka. Although I lived in the Niagara region for 18 years & Toronto for a year, I never did get to Muskoka!
Beautiful pictures!!!! Great info.
Unfortunately, Wendell Wallaby did not survive his liberation and attempt for freedom. Such a shame.
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