Ms. Gwyldfire is the magical matron who brings presents to birthday boys and girls. Santa only works once a year and he has special powers that facilitate his work. Our Alyce rides on a covered wagon drawn by a set of 12 musk ox, the sam

Of course, Ms. Gwyldfire has so many birthdays to manage that she cannot possibly deliver presents to all. She has helpers – hordes of laid-off Welsh Coal Miners, no one really knows how many. The Welsh coal miners have two attributes: they are hard workers and, boy, can they sing Happy Birthday! Prince Charles is one of the official patrons: he is the Prince of Wales, you know.
We believe the tradition started in 4th century France by Alyce’s ancestor: Angylina Sauvage de Feu. By 1000 CE the descendants of Angylina had spread the tradition throughout Europe and much of Eurasia. However, it wasn’t until the 14th century CE that her descendants, named somewhat like Charlemagne’s: Philomena the Plump, Charlot
By the late 1700s, the tradition had arrived in North, Central, and South America, with the French, English and Spanish conquerors. They spread the concepts of one religion, all land for Europeans and birthday surprises. However, it was not until the early 1900s that a direct descendant of Angylina, named Alyce, immigrated to North America where the unilingual authorities promptly renamed her Alice Wildfire. For 50 years the headquarters of this now worldwide operation was located roughly inside Connecticut, with much administration in Massachusetts.
Over time, as is the case in many families, when Alyce’s family emigrated the local authorities (illiterate, uneducated ancient civil servants) made an error in her family name and it was changed from the original. In the big move to Wales, she decided to go back to her roots and was registered as Alyce Gwildfyre. She considered translating Gwyldfire into Welsh; however, no one could pronounce it (Gwyyd-ufel), so she held fast.

Original story by Brian Racine and Jennifer Jilks. Photos by wikipedia.org, public domain, and Jen Jilks
Well, now, that explains the huge tracks in the yard by the barn where the deer usually hang out... the musk-ox must have paused here for a snack on their way to your house! Hope you had a wondrous birthday... (and remembered the bit of the tradition where you have to leave carefully sliced apples on a plate, along with one wrapped chocolate, for Alice and the musk-oxen...)
Happy Belated Birthday! Can we borrow your Alyce? What a fun story.
Brian and I had fun writing it. Feel free to link to it, Sallie.
Sometimes...boredom, our high-pressured volunteer work! Brian often comes up with bizarre stories!
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