The snow builds up and we just keep shoveling...good exercise!

I cannot complain, as there are many who manage this, nor can they climb up on the roof and clear the snow. I have wonderful photos of dad on the cottage roof clearing snow!
It is important to clear back *and* front doors, too. I heard sirens last night, who knows what happened. I'll keep you posted.
I find it ennervating when the snow is so deep it goes into my boots, though! I have hip waders, but they're pretty cold with no insulation! A walk along the road showed dark skies, and the dark pine branches painted in white.
It is very pretty, n'est ce pas?

The bird feeders are buried. I dug them out.

The nuthatches are throwing peanuts at me!
Squirrels are covered in snow, head to toe - (paw to tail)
The rocks continue to bleed tears. I adore these rock cuts! Weeping for spring.

To keep us warm indoors, I had to chop wood outdoors.
It builds strong muscles, even if it makes my
'tennis elbow' act up! (Actually injured playing squash...)
With grandchild #2 on the way I have to be prepared for lifting!

Yeah, and two middle-aged bad backs, too! Either I chop it, or I have to lug it!
Everyone is out shovelling. Last night and this morning, with more Lake Effect snow, we have another 5 cm (2") on the ground.
Even our neighbour, despite the fact that we have a professional contractor to throw the snow!
How I love northern Ontario rock cuts! Thanks for sharing your snow, ours is gone. :o(
Hey There fellow snow bunny!!! I guess we are making up for that very mild Jan.It's funny how the squalls can concentrate over such a small area, leaving a town just a little ways north or south untouched....I'm just having a blast shooting out in this fresh fallen much better than that rain Yuk!!!!! some Great shots on your site and Thanks for the to watch....keep them coming!
Hey There fellow Muskokan....I'm amazed how the snow squalls can hit one town and completely miss another.....sure loving going out and shooting these gorgeous snow scenes and wildlife...Great shots on your site and Thanks for the videos...really enjoying those!!!!!
We had snow one day, and it was a light snow at that – it went away pretty quickly. I have been looking at your snowing scenes – so lovely. I also like your pictures of your cats and of the birds. I am sorry though that there are still so many snowmobile accidents – people don’t think it will happen to them.
I was just on a blog where she asked what people eat for breakfast - with all the snow you are shovelling, and the wood you are chopping, you can actually afford to eat the bacon and eggs most of the commentors were dreaming about!!
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