In the old days we would put a worm on a hook and fish off of our dock. Or, at least, my aunt & uncle's dock! We spent a lot of time there, hanging out with cousins. My extended family (Fred, Lill) had two other cottages, on land bought in 1960 for $2000! Many memories of times gone by have been recorded. The family adored their cottaging. We stayed up here all summer, as Mom worked part-time, and took off the summer. Every Friday night we would wait at the highway waiting for Dad to arrive. he'd drive back home for work, leaving at 6:00 a.m. Monday morning.
My favourite memory is of me, my brother and Dad, fishing. From across the way we could hear the rain coming as it did a flamenco dance across the lake. The sound was marvellous; water tapping its Spanish rhythm. Here we are on Uncle Fred's dock, Dad working to ba

Jumping into the lake was the best thing ever. This is my brother, who turned the big 5-0 this year. Fond memories of gentler times.
When I was a kid, my cousins, 20 years older than I, would take me 'water skiing'. I use the term loosely, as we didn't have skiis my size. My uncle, ever the thrifty one, took an old wooden ironing board of my

My Aunt Lill (1906 - 1981) passed away 28 years ago in her cottage. Her sister-in-law at her side. Uncle Fred (1908 - 1983) had a heart attack and fell off of our deck. Mom (1925 - 2006) died in our living room. It seems to be a family tradition! The sepia scanned photo shows Lillian Forsyth, Fred Butt, and another sibling, Marion, who died many years ago, the year Mom was born.
Of course, the traditions continue, and evolve.
I must admit that I took the kids to Bala Falls to swim. Not often. But it was a change in venue. And a place where rushing water inspired. There weren't the tourists then. Things were quiet.

These days, there is little skill I see in summer activities.
Many have cable or satellite TV, as well as Internet access.
In the 'good old days', we didn't even have a phone here. Kid complain about the peace and quiet. The board games we loved- Clue, Sorry, Hands Down, and card games - Go Fish, King's Corner's, Rummy, all kept us busy on rainy days, and buggy evenings.
We had a motor boat for a time, before it rotted away. I think it was a 20 HP. These days we have our old canoe, bought when I was a teen, second hand from a kids camp. I have replaced parts, but the fiberglass hull is in good shape, with many coats of paint. I love puttering around the lake, looking for good photo-ops of sun dogs (My YouTube Sun Dog!)
I have seen a fair number of kids on the lake, screaming behind daddy pulling them o

- Seven-year-old girl dies after tubing accident - CTV ... 15 Aug 2007 ...
Police sound tubing alarm
16 Aug 2007 ... Sean Patrick Sullivan Canadian Press. Boat operators need to be aware of the potential perils of a popular summer water activity that has ...Once you're on that tube you're relying on the good judgment ... of the person driving that boat Ed Bean , the Lifesaving Society of Ontario.
I much prefer the simpler joys of yesterday. I think today's children are really missing out on a great deal. Where will their memories come from?
Kid fun has changed a lot since we were young. Great memories to share and an interesting video.
You should link to http://rememberwhensday.blogspot.com/
It would be great to have a place to go to for years and years. I enjoyed your post.
Tragedy on the tubing. I hate being out of control so I haven't done it very much.
I want to vacation in your memories, Jenn!
Comfort Spiral
Great memory and pics to share. That lake looks so cool with the record temps we are having in Seattle. I would like to take a run and jump in myself!
We still enjoy the board and card games when we go camping. TV is not allowed in the camper. :-)
I am not sure where Muskoka is but it looks very pretty. I enjoyed your looking back as well. I like to look back and it is true that during my childhood things were so much different from now. But I expect that when this generation has become mature, they will say the same thing.
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