The owner had difficulty selling, since they were in an older part of the city and were on well water with a rickety septic system. The previous owners made wine from the grapes and the basement had a wine cellar.

One of the best parts of this garden were the lilies. The owner had

These bright red bugs ravage the leaves, leaving lovely a sticky goo behind on the leaves. I did some research and found out from my gardening magazines that the goo was, in fact, their waste product! Yuck. They suggested going around every day, squishing the bugs, underfoot if you were squeamish, or dropping them in a bucket of water. What a time consuming task.
But these bugs are bugs that are easily controlled!
I found in one of my nursery catalogues a product called Neem Oil. What a difference.

When I moved here to Muskoka (with only two weeks notice) in April, 2006, I left my poor husband back in Ottawa caring for my garden.
It was his job to spritz the Neem Oil on my Asiatic lilies, to prevent the lily bugs from eating the beautiful plants alive. Not a gardener, I had to first explain what a lily was, and then hope and pray all would be well. I have no idea what happened. It is sad leaving a garden behind, but

I cannot help but mark the arrival of the dreaded lily bugs again this season. They are not as bad in Muskoka, as in the city. But I still keep my bottle of Neem Oil in the sun, ready for a spritz. I dodge the black flies, hope for a wind, hot too much to throw off the spray and waltz around the garden spreading the oil. What a relief. Here is a foreshadowing: Guinevere sits, in August, 2008, admiring my lilies.
Then there is my mosquito hawk, spotted yesterday, who was threading its way around the garden, looking for prey.
The tulips look no worse for wear w

More resources:
Lily Leaf Beetle Life Cycle from the U. Mass. They say, "This pest will only lay its eggs on true lilies and Fritillaria species."
Ottawa Orchid Society’s Fact Sheet on Neem
I too found a new variety of squishy beetle in my garden last year, it loved my tomato leaves. It looked like a fat grey lightning bug. It just fell off the leaves when you approached to squish, making them hard to catch.
I'm going to try dishes of beer this year and see what I catch...good luck with your wretched red bugs!
Thanks, Sweetie! I keep forgetting about them, and don't spray them often enough. It's hard being 'retired'! We're buying beer today, but for the kids! Gonna be a houseful of actors this w/e. What fun!
on my lilies, I notice that the black goo left behind was actually larvae from the beetles! really gross! thanks for the idea about the neem oil, I'll have to try it, now that most of the leaves are already gone :(
Yes, larvae, surrounded in poop! :-)
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