😷 we had COVID

 Tuesday, July 16

Just when you think things will settle down... I have COVID. Joe, hubby, with Lyme Disease had to go shopping for supplies. Thoughtfully, he stocked up.  In the pouring rain. 

Massive headache, drippy nose, cough, dizzy, thought I'd throw up. We only have a few rapid tests left, but this turned positive in about a minute. Joe Brian's test was negative.

I tried to make the guest room bed up, but had to lie down twice in the middle of it. I gave up. 

I sort of dozed all afternoon and evening. I couldn't eat. Tylenol helped with the headaches. 

 Joe Brian is feeling better each day with his Lyme Disease. The old lady with COVID was worse Tuesday: chills, headache, cough, wheezing, diarrhea. My personal nurse brought me Advil, water, cough drops, and chicken noodle soup for afternoon lunch, after my nap. I managed to sleep three hours through, from 2:30 - 5:30 this morning. That was a relief. I know many of you can identify with this.

My SIL has what sounds like a cold, but it is COVID. Caitlin has it, as well, but not as bad as I do. They are young! 

I asked the Doctor's office about Paxlovid, but they said I didn't qualify. That's not true. In fact, you can just go to the pharmacist in Ontario.

I used Joe Brian's puffer since it has settled in my lungs. I've had all my shots and boosters. Thank goodness, or it'd be much worse. My throat is so sore. Advil has helped with the headaches.

I phoned to get some Paxlovid, our pharmacists can prescribe it. Our local pharmacy is out. Or what they have is stale. JB looked up close-by pharmacies and Shoppers Drug Mart was open until midnight. I phoned and spoke to the pharmacist. She asked about the other meds I'm taking and I told her.

A pharmacy 40-minutes drive away has it. Imagine trying to spell my name for someone over the phone when my voice is hoarse, and I'm coughing. She called back at 10:30 for my address. 

The old man with cancer and Lyme disease is driving in this morning to get my Paxlovid. I bet President Joe Biden didn't have to jump through hoops to get his! The NY Times reports he's begun taking it.

Thank you all, again, for well wishes and suggestions. Yesterday I read two books, Donna Leon. Basically in my bed. When I wasn't reading, I could gaze out the window at the birds at the fountain through the Muskoka Room. I could barely function. I even had a nap, but its put my sleep cycles topsy turvy.

My physician was away from Thursday to Tuesday. That is unusual, he is usually quite quick at taking care of us. The receptionist suggested I go to the ER. I wasn't in favour of that. For others, and for my sake. I was so tired. 


Joe went into Carleton Place. I have more meds. I haven't had a cold in 4 years. When I do get a cold, it usually ends up with me getting bronchitis and or laryngitis. JB went into town and the pharmacist prescribed me a new Ventolin puffer. He couldn't give me a super duper Symbicort puffer, not his Scope of Practice. Happily, Joe Brian had two from his terrible cough he had for months. I used his.

He had careful guidelines, to have Joe Brian watch my rate of breathing, etc. I spoke to him on the phone but didn't have much of a voice. JB went in to see him. He is quite worried about me. 

Thursday, July 18

JB has been amazing. And worried, too. He put water into the fountain, watered my potted plant, did litter, and dishes. He made me a bacon sandwich for lunch. He began sneezing and having a runny nose. I suggested he take a rapid COVID test. Guess what?

I took the day off blogging. This I had prepared but couldn't finish up, feeling wretched. Coughing until I feel I might throw up. The Paxlovid has terrible side effects, but I think it is making a difference.  

A new week begins. Joe Brian was supposed to have a full week: Monday, foot care from the nurse in town, Tuesday appointment with our GP to asses his Lyme Disease progress, Wednesday PSA test to prep for his Lupron injection next week. All have to be cancelled on Monday. 

Friday, July 19

I had trouble sleeping. I didn't actually get to sleep until 2:30 a.m. Friday night. I think it is all the drugs. The coughing is awful. My intercostal muscles are very painful. Advil for that. 

During the day JB took Reactine, but it didn't do anything much. As I said, we haven't had colds since 2020. The Reactine expired in Dec. 2023. Dunno.

My buddy doesn't last long on my lap. One cough and he is gone. I don't blame him! The cough drops seem to help soothe my throat but not much.

Saturday, July 20

It was a terrible night Saturday night, too. I coughed my guts up until I cried just before 8 p.m. It was a bit cloudy, the phlegm, which is worrisome. I used the turbo puffer again (Symbicort) after I was nearly retching. It was Joe's from his 9-month bout with a horrid cold he contracted on his 70th birthday, November, 2019. He hasn't needed it. Somebody wisely counselled me that we not share those germs on nasal medications. 

I think I drank 3 or 4 L of water during the day. The diarrhea really doesn't help, a side effect of the Paxlovid. I'm wearing a pad for protection. I sure wish our old house bathroom could handle a bidet!

We thought we might both go to the ER Sunday morning after the day we had Saturday. Thing is, I am not sure what else they can give us. JB is taking Otrivin at hight to keep his nasal passages clear at night. It helps, Sorta. 

I sweated through two nightgowns Saturday night, and had to put a towel on the soaked sheets. That'll be a job today. Even the mattress cover. Oops. Not to be. JB has to go back to bed and I still haven't replaced the guest room sheets I washed after the kids were here.

Poor Joe Brian. His nose is like a faucet! And the sneezles... They might shatter the sound barrier. He was using paper towels, but blowing his nose did not help. I gave him a hand towel to use as a mop, we're low on tissues. He put it on his pillow. It's broken sleep, which doesn't help. There is brain fog, too. 

Sunday morning I didn't wake up unable to cough up the phlegm. It is looser. I am hoping I've managed to sweat it out. 

I found some Pharmasave Daytime Cold Relief in the cupboard (expired in Apr., 2022), for daytime for him. We'll see how that works out. He's just taken Advil for the headache, and it has Acetaminophen. Whatthehell, this is a time for drugs. He isn't taking his weekly Calcium booster, to ameliorate his cancer drug (Lupron) side effects. Prostate cancer often, when it metastasizes, leads to bone cancer. That's what my last client died from. In fact several of my clients have had this. 

I've a good haul of books. Thing is my eye floaters are awful. I tried reading on the back deck, but that didn't work out. They seem worse since COVID. What's with that?! 


JB spent Sunday morning resting in bed after breakfast. He has a hand towel in which to sneeze. The headache improved. I checked on him every once-in-a-while. I went out back to read in the fresh air. 

I did manage some sleep overnight Saturday, and when I woke I didn't need the puffer. This is good. But that changed. 

Sunday, July 21

I was peckish, and could taste the Paxlovid. I took a bite of cracker and choked 10 minutes on a crumb. Jeez!  It so hurts to cough. 

😴 Poor JB must have had 3 or 4 long naps. I lost count. If you are tired, you sleep! 

COVID UPDATE: Sunday night I actually slept through the night. JB not so much. It is interesting that it attacks my weakest part, my lungs. Joe's is his nose, and his faucet continues to leak. It seems to me that COVID is attacking us in our weak spots. I have always gotten bronchitis when I had a bad cold. Joe's nasal passages, hay fever and such, is his weak point.

Monday was the last day for my Paxlovid pills. Also the last day of Joe's Lyme Disease meds, Doxycycline. I'm drinking a ton of water. It really helps. He was supposed to be checked by the doctor this morning, but that ain't happening.

Poor JB is having two naps a day. Monday, after dinner, I could not stop the coughing. Hawking up cloudy phlegm over the back deck railing – so as not to freak out Joe. I'd clear it, then sit back down. Three times. At this point I figured I best be seen by someone. Is this bronchitis or what? 

I dialled 9-1-1. The dispatcher was kind and demonstrated caring.

The female paramedic, an experienced one, was wonderful and took a full history, as well as the meds I was on. In hindsight that spared them in the ER. They were slammed. She handed in my health card, and all I had to do at that point was wait.

In the ambulance my paramedic explained the Paxlovid doesn't cure COVID, it ameliorates symptoms.  The ambulance crew set me up in the hallway. Both in masks – as I am Typhoid Mary. Hospital staff had to clear a room for me. By 9 p.m. I had a room, away from the old with oxygen masks, a poor screaming preschooler, and other vulnerable people. What a job.

The irony is that this is the room I was in for 6 hours when I had chest pains after Joe's cancer surgery. I had driven myself in as I didn't think it was a heart attack. I read a book that time. It was high blood pressure from stress. 

Anyway, back to Monday night. The one nurse wanted to know what I wanted from them. To be able to breathe? At this point, the terrible coughing spells stopped. This whackadoodle old white woman just wanted someone to listen to her lungs to rule all this out. I know they were busy. I know COVID is old hat now, but I felt diminished. 

I'd brought a book, and when I passed another couple of people on beds in the hallway, they were reading. 

Eventually I could feel an anxiety attack coming on. I'd phoned Joe twice, first letting him know I had a chest Xray. The woman that took me to that was cheerful, sweet, and kind. No one else was checking in on me. 

I'd phoned Joe at 9:15, 10:00 and 11. First to tell him I was in a room and the ambulance team had left, total professionals. Next I phoned to say I'd had the X-ray. He said he was still awake. He might still be up when I was done, but I could take a taxi. Panic. I don't know if we have taxis in Perth at 11 p.m! 

By then the anxiety kicked in. By 11:00, I opened my cell door, and most of the other patients were gone. I couldn't take it any more. I asked him to pick me up outside the ER entrance. ANXIETY was rearing its head. Worried about Joe looking after his COVID bout, and letting him get rest. This morning, we had coffee, and he went back to bed for a nap.

I called to another nurse to tell her I had to leave. I'm sure the doctors were finishing up paperwork and all, but I was falling asleep. Joe, pretty ill, needed to get to bed. A neighbour offered any help, but you can't call people to take a COVID patient home.

We arrived home at 23:24 hours. Joe went right to bed.

Tuesday, July 23

I had a visit with my GP. He explained that the X-ray was clear. No bronchitis or pneumonia. Good news. It's just COVID! I masked up, obviously, and so did he. He is the age of my kids, and as smart, educated, and confident. It is comforting.

My GP said to take 2000 UI of Vitamin D everyday to fight this damn disease. He is up on COVID, Joe's Lyme Disease, and our old fart issues. Joe takes that anyway with calcium to combat the side effects of cancer treatments (duly postponed until he's over this). 

I had a semi normal cough most of the day Tuesday, until after dinner. This is progress. I'm nearly done my Ventolin puffer in a week. I went to bed, and woke up with that racking cough at 12:30. Used the puffer, headed back to bed. Happy to report I slept after that until 5 a.m. this morning. A miracle.

Joe is planning a prescription run this morning. His COVID reaction is no where near mine. Thankfully! He'll phone first to make sure they have his new puffer, my new puffers, and then get us more headache meds. The headches are awful, as well as the sweats.

There is hope. It is slow progress, but progress is happening. This is why I record what is happening. It's all in your perspective. I had a nap yesterday afternoon, which was lovely. 

Anyway, there is hope. 
Thank you for your support and encouragement. I really appreciate it. 

Wednesday, July 24

My GP prescribed more Ventolin. He said to use it as needed. You can listen to my coughing 👂. Wednesday, I coughed at midnight. Slept, a glorious 5 hours. It was getting low, but I have prescriptions for more, and directions from the doctor to 'use as needed.'  You can hear why. 

Poor Joe phoned to see if the prescriptions are ready. She said she couldn't refill the Ventolin as my health insurance won't pay for it, as I was given a Ventolin canister July 18th by the pharmacist, as my GP was out of the office. WTF.  I am gobsmacked. The insurance provider decided that based on a certain number of puffs a day, I can't have it yet. This I will fight. They are contraindicating my physicians' orders. The pharmacy said they could refill it, but I'd have to pay the $20 and wait until 4 p.m. In order to breathe? 

They said goodbye and I hoarsely told him I am running out. Poor man. I didn't tell him I am nearly out. He called back and said we need it desperately. No one gets this. He is frustrated and angry. They said a couple of hours. Uh uh. They agreed to an hour. I know they are slammed. But seriously. What a shit show. Poor Joe. He's fighting COVID himself. I'm glad he phoned as I'd lose it. I know I shouldn't take it out on a cashier. He is on he edge, though.

When I am better, I'm getting on this. I'm going to get that money back. Not for me, but for the principle of the thing, and for anyone else who might face this. 

I cannot imagine what people went through for the past few years. This is awful.

Joe is still positive for COVID. Mind is negative, but I've still got crap in my lungs. Joe went into town a secured me my new puffer. Every time I wake up, it takes ages to clear my lungs. (See yesterday's post.) 

Having gut-wrenching coughing, and using my new puffer every hour and a half or two hours, we were distracting ourselves watching Cold Case. Joe had to pause while I hacked up phlegm. I know he feels so badly! There is nothing anyone can do.

I took 12 hits of the puffer between 6 a.m. and 8:00. Slept. 

Thursday, July 25

9:30, cough, two puffs,, 12:00 cough, Symbicort hit, 1:00 cough, headache (Advil).

😷 Friday, my nurse friend was going shopping in town, and she popped in (staying well away from the door). Did we need anything? Orange juice! What a lovely human being.

What else am I up to? Coughing. I was awake at 3, couldn't sleep with back pain. Voltaren helped my back. The kitchen tool is an easy way to apply it without getting it all over your hands. (Tip from my physio person. I could use her ministrations, but that ain't gonna happen!)

I put my back out, probably from just sitting in my easy chair. It's an ongoing issue, since Jesse was born in 1983, and I broke a pedicle exercising after he was born. Robaxacet might help, but I'm going to try topicals. And Joe's Dr. Ho machine. It did the trick.

Saturday, July 27

My COVID has settled into my lungs and nose, and feels like a horrid cold. At least the sweats have diminished. Sinusitis, relieved with saline nasal spray; and a persistent cough are wretched. I am writing down everything I take, which helps me remember. I was overmedicating with my puffer. I've had nursing advice, since my doctor wouldn't see me, to follow a strict 4 x's a day with the puffer, and twice a day, 12 hours apart, with the Symbicort. Turbo puffer, as we call it. I cannot imagine what people went through prior to vaccines during early COVID days. Then there are people with long-term COVID. It is sort of like long-term Lyme Disease, prior to people being given Doxycycline. 

I think Joe made it through Lyme Disease, and the Doxycycline worked for him. He made it through his COVID bout, and is on the upturn. He's still fatigued, and has been having two naps a day. The last couple of days have been better for him. He went out Saturday afternoon (wearing his N95 mask) and got a few groceries, as well as picking up a fresh pizza for me. Look what else he brought home! 
My late mom would be horrified with the clutter around here. I am letting it go.😷

Sunday, July 28

Awake at 3 a.m., puffer, then liquids. Back to bed at 6:15. Slept until 8:15. 

I'm coughing less, and more shallower. 
Ventolin puffer at breakfast, lunch, dinner & bedtime. Steroid puffer 12 hours apart. This is to give my lungs a chance to heal.
The headaches continue. Coughing, stress, who knows? Advil is my friend.
The pizza Joe bought me is wonderful. I usually do all the cooking. Poor man.
He took a new test. Positive. Sheeit. It was positive within two minutes, not the Rapid Test 15. 

Monday, July 29

Slept in until 4. Progress. Up at 1 a.m. to cough. Puffer. I still have sinusitis. Otrivin and saline spray.

He needs his quarterly PSA test. He'll mask. 
Our dilemma is that Joe is supposed to have his Lupron anti-andigen cancer injection within two weeks. Our Nurse Practitioner gives it to him, but she is away next week. He only found that out by accident when he phoned for a prescription renewal. That won't work out. He had to call the pharmacy and beg them to order it in immediately. He'll have the injection Friday. That's our plan. 

I am coughing less frequently. I do wake up with what feels like bronchitis. Ventolin is my friend, still. The side effects of Ventolin is one of the least of my worries. That said, I'd give my eye teeth for a bidet! Thank goodness for Always. I think it is the meds, which I can live with. I've lost 3.5 kg, that is not a bad thing! 

Tuesday, July 30

Up at 3, back to bed for sleep, and up at 4:22 to clear my lungs. Bed at 10:30, up at 12:30 with a phlegmmy cough. I'd used the puffer at bedtime, so couldn't give myself another dose. 

Wednesday, July 31

Saline nasal spray to clear my sinusitis. I cleared my lungs and slept until 5:45. What a miracle! It takes me a half hour to cough and clear it out in the morning. Far better to cough this stuff up, but man does it hurt and tire you out. Joe is keeping up with dishes. I managed my laundry Wednesday. 

The coughing during the day is like a bad cold I used to have in the old days. Colds such as I haven't had since I retired (2006). I have a bit of a voice back, but it is clearly an Alto voice. Kinda weird. 
The best thing is to clear my lungs to avoid pneumonia, but sleep is such a blessing, dontcha know.

Thursday, Aug. 1st

Thursday, I did a few chores, i.e. putting away said laundry! This is good. Thursday is the first day that my cough was loose, and I didn't have to work so hard to clear my lungs. What a miracle!
I walked down to the trailcams for the first time since contracting COVID July 15th. 


Woke up at 2 a.m., couldn't sleep, but didn't cough. By 3 I took some MM. Finally slept at 4:30, awake at 6. Have to keep taking puffers regularly or I get coughing.
Washed the sheets. 
Lay down to read, began coughing. Meds done for the day. Had to suck it up.


Easy cough. Thankfully. I had a melt down in the afternoon, a bit of a pity party as I wrestled with looking at my messy garden, Facebook photos of people traveling, having dinner parties, it was too much. I can't do much physically. We aren't up to even sitting on a patio to have dinner, which is my favourite part of summer. Bedtime 9:30, lights out at 10:30.


I slept in until 5:30. What a miracle. Not a bad day. I thought I'd cut back to one puff, rather than two Ventolin puffs, 4 times a day. Mistake, I fear.

Monday, Aug. 5th
😷COVID isn't done. Thankfully, we are done with it. We've both tested negative. That said, we've still tired, easily fatigued, and pacing ourselves. I'm still coughing. I tried reducing my meds yesterday, but that didn't go well. I was up coughing at 2 a.m. 

Tuesday, Aug. 6th

Back to double dose Ventolin. Woke at 3 a.m. didn't cough. Awake at 6:30. 

Thursday, Aug. 8th

😷 Our COVID symptoms lessen each day. We are still tired. I did a bit of weeding yesterday without coughing my brains out. I still need the puffer. My prescription ran out, and I am using Joe's, which expired in January. I am going to have to argue with the pharmacy to see if I can get a new one. My health insurance won't pay for one until Aug. 16th. Desperate times... 


We are doing the odd chores, kitty litter, laundry. Joe's been shopping. I did the back lawn Thursday on the lawn tractor. I made a bed. The guest room sheets were washed after the kids' last visit July 14th. I finally put the sheets back on August 9th. 

Yes, thank you all for your encouragement. I am weaning myself off the Ventolin puffer. Now it is a sore throat from coughing, a nagging cough, and fatigue. I went to bed to read, and had to get up coughing. It is so random.

Saturday, Aug. 10

Day by day, we are recovering. Thankfully. I seem to be coughing about 4 hours into sleep. I use the puffer and get another 4 hours. 

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