🍁Fall chores

  • Remove deer fence (Aug. 20)
  • Dig out saplings (Aug. 20)
  • Set up fish tank (Sept. 4)
  • Fish into aquarium
  • Clean up gardens
  • Put away House Wren box (Sept.)
  • Wrap bushes, 
  • Put wrap on rose bush,
  • Put away water barrels
  • Remove back deck vines (began mid-Aug.)
  • Clean up lower deck, pillows away (Aug. 19)
  • Clean eaves
  • Mulch leaves
  • Switch out tractor battery
  • Hanging baskets down
  • Switch to heated bird bath
  • Put away laundry tree
  • Wrap bench swing
  • Bring in indoor plants
  • Bring up snow shovels
  • Winter tires on

 I am slowly progressing with fall chores...  🍂 A lot of fall chores revolve around leaves! 

  • Clean up gardens,  Begun Sept. 10, ongoing Sept. 24, nearly done Oct. 3, probably done Oct. 5th, nope, did more Oct. 19, done Nov. 1st! 
  • Clean up lower deckpillows away (Sept.), place laundry tree under deck Oct. 4th, wrap bench swing,
  • Remove vines, wash rails and plexiglass on deck, Oct. 2nd,
  • Clean our House Wren box,  Sept. 24
  • Spray paint rusty stuff, small bench Sept. 29, Oct. 2,
  • 🐟 Percy into the fish tank, Oct. 4th,
  • Clean and store BBQ for winter <= Grill Spot Guide, Nov. 1,
  • Wrap on rhododendrons, (Vole ate one last year), ordered new wrap from Lee Valley, 
  • Put wrap on rose bush, Nov. 23
  • Clean upper deck; wash, repaint, and put furniture away, Oct. 6th
  • Switch to heated bird bath, Put in heater Oct. 26, Nov. 15,
  • Bring in tropical plants, Sept. 15th,
  • Bring battery in from lawn tractor, recharge it for leaves, Oct. 2,
  • Put away water barrels,  emptied #2 Oct. 10th, Emptied #1 Oct. 30, #2 flipped over Nov. 23,
  • Drain hoses, at side of house Oct. 10th, middle deck hose, Oct. 27
  • Gather, and put lawn ornaments in the shed,
  • Clean eaves/moss on shed, Oct. 28
  • Put out winter lights, Nov
  • Mulch leaves, first go: Oct. 5th, 4 times,
  • Clean fountain, shut down (Oct. 10th) and cover fountain,  decorate fountain, 
  • Hanging baskets removed,  Oct. 31,
  • Move snow blower to garagebring shovels up to the garage from the shed, Nov. 2nd,
  • Snow tires on car. Nov. 9

 I am slowly progressing with fall chores...  🍂 A lot of fall chores revolve around leaves! 

  • Remove vines, wash rails and plexiglass on deck, Oct. 31,
  • Shut down the water fountain, Oct. 16th, recovered it Nov. 6th!
  • Heater in bird bath – Monday, Oct. 3.
  • Bring battery in from lawn tractor,
  • Burlap on rhodo
  • Clean lower deck; pillows away, laundry tree under deck,
  • Clean upper deck; wash and furniture away or stacked, Oct. 30,
  • Drain hoses, put them in the shed, Nov. 10,
  • Gather, and put lawn ornaments in the shed,
  • Change the eavestrough downspout, Oct. 29
  • Clean eaves on shed, house, Sat., Oct. 22.
  • Put away water barrels, first one Oct. 28, 2nd Nov. 16,
  • Put out winter lights, Oct. 24, & Oct. 28,
  • Clean up gardens, (ongoing: as they fall over in Oct.; done Nov. 4 )
  • Mulch leaves, Oct. 16., Oct. 20, Oct. 28, 
  • Cover fountain, clean fountain (Oct. 16), decorate fountain (Oct. 24).
  • Power washer on back and front, Oct. 12/14. 
  • Hanging baskets removed, Oct. 29,
  • 🐟 Goldfish into the fish tank – water in the aquarium Sunday, Oct. 2nd. Fish in, Oct. 5nd.
  • Move snow blower to garage, bring shovels up to the garage from the shed, Nov. 15.

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