DAROU Farmhouse

First they took down the old barn.
The Darou-McPherson farmhouse is being dismantled. Hubby had noticed they'd begun taking the farmhouse apart. Photos are required!

 They have had some issues, as swallows  (an endangered, protected species) had moved into the summer kitchen, while council decided what to do about the building. It's a long process.

Here are my previous posts:
Barns and farm houses -they're ubiquitous (Nov. 2013)
Darou barn being dismantled (Feb. 2015)
Darou Farm Site Demolition is on hold: Barn swallows! (Mar., 2016)

The roof was a bit of a mess.
Darou-McPherson farm house
Anyway, they are taking it down to move it to Lombardy ðŸ—ž, apparently. There were arguments about its heritage value. It's a common design in our region.

Hubby noticed what was happening and said we should take a look.

Sunday, Dec. 4th.

Wed., Dec. 6th

Hubby took these for me! It must be cold work today. The wind is blowing and it is cold.

Thursday, Dec. 7th

I had my client in the afternoon, since our furnace died, I'm keeping the home fires burning. Hubby went into town to take photos for me. All the stones are marked!

Dec. 15

Dec. 20

Dec. 30

Jan. 15, 2018

Jan. 22

April – they haven't done much more in winter

There was a visitor, though. A turkey vulture.



Oct. 12

Oct. 24

Nov. 12th

Nov. 19, 2018

Nov. 25

Jan., 16, 2019

May, 2019

 We went into town on Thursday, March 14th, 2024, and noticed that it was falling down.

JB went into town Saturday, and noticed that they took it all down and took it away. 

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