Oct. 14

Elections Canada confirms 4.7 million Canadians voted in advance polls. An increase of 29% from 2015.



Our son-in-law!

Toronto Star: Federal Election 2019

I saw this tweet and I was shocked. Rick Mercer doesn't schill for Conservatives. He had it taken down.
 Our son-in-law:
This means our government will NOT ratify USMCA (AKA NAFTA 2.0), all federal government business shuts down. It is called a caretaker government, where daily business carries on, but Trudeau no longer has the power, and civil servants prevail.

GO, JL, GO! He has been out campaigning in his electric car!

"Just the right message to send to bother supporters of our Prime Minister..."

Sept. 12th

My son-in-law was on CTV's Question Period, Sept. 15th! 

Dressed in their greens!

They were behind the neon green sign at the 13 second mark of this clip: 

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and her husband John Kidder arrived at the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Que. in a Tesla vehicle ahead of the official English-language leaders’ debate. The kids are in the 20 - 30 sec. section. It's so much fun! You can't really see them, but it was fun.

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