Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Crumbly Acres

 Every time we put on the news we are hopeful for good news. So far, not so good. In our old age we find it difficult getting used to new norms, new societal values, the increase in previously socially unacceptable language in the media, you know how it is. Then there is technology. 

I heard a story about a teacher who had to argue with her student. He'd submitted an essay, full of errors, conspiracy theories, and mistakes. She talked to the kid, and asked him where he sourced his information. He showed her how he'd used AI to write it for him. It combined information from biased sources, and had incongruities. AI doesn't check sources! 

🦉  🐇  🦌  🐻  🐿️  😼

Our critters keep me distracted. I'd put the Wingscapes camera on the side walk. We lost a bunny on the highway last month. I was hopeful. 


These are the critters that visited the peanuts I put on the sidewalk. It's been so cold. I think the critter in the thumbnail is the bunny, also visiting: junco, deermouse, red squirrel, tree sparrow.

It snowed Sunday night. I went to the Crumbly Acres camera. I could see unbroken snow cover on the sidewalk in the first image. In the next, bunny tracks! The cotton tail was too fast for the camera. I think. I'll have to check the settings. Again. 

I was sitting in my easy chair, and spotted Cinnamon in the bathroom window. He was intense. He was nearly getting whiplash!

I grabbed the video camera and found Labbit! Happy dance!

Meantime, we had snow yesterday. It was around 0℃, and 7cm of snow is sticking to everything. I'll have some shovelling work to do, once I have my morning coffee! This was last night at dinner time. 


eileeninmd said...

I like seeing the live bunnies. The birds, mice and squirrels love those peanuts. Take care, have a great day!

Anvilcloud said...

The cold is not really breaking although the daytime temps are not quite a frigid as they have been.

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah, finally some good Labbit shots...thanks to Cinnamon! More snow, oh my! I do hope the crazy orange one settles down and stops (perhaps wishful thinking) being a terror himself. Glad there's at least a "pause" on his tariffs, and I've learned much of what the Canadians and Mexicans agreed to do were already in the works since Biden, but the crazy one wants to take credit for them.

tz_garden said...

The snow is beautiful, and a happy rabbit!

Nancy J said...

A snow blower is essential, as is a shovel.Wildlife galore, and a sort of reprieve from border tariffs , I wonder how sincere he is about this. On your side J T is doing his very best to make the situation as good as he can, at least that's what I have read or interpreted.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
lovely critters - quite the spread for them! YAM xx

RedPat said...

Once again I am not seeing your videos but I love seeing the shots of your visitors.

Red said...

Interesting what comes to the peanut bait.

Hena Tayeb said...

AI will further reduce people abilities to read, comprehend and deduce.

Christine said...

AI does not check sources, good to know

Jeanie said...

The news is so bad -- we grab onto what we can. Although, real life hasn't been so good this week either. Spent Sunday in the ER after hitting my head on the ice; Monday the power went out; Tuesday I found out that to replace the power issue will be between $1500 and 2000. Just waiting to see what jollies today brings. And that was before the news about our country falling to pieces.