Not a great day.
Joe put his back out. Refilling the dishwasher! No good deed goes unpunished. I finished up for him. He made it in to his foot care appointment. Gingerly. A long afternoon nap, and we'll hope for the best today.
💻 I was doing my blogging, and saw a furry body go by!
I looked out the back. There were three sitting under the white pine tree out back.
Lots of people feed them around here. Most have ulterior motives! Joe just like the smell of the deer food. It's a rich, Ministry of Natural Resources recipe.
That was the highlight of my day!
It is fun that you can feed the deer. We can't here, it is against the law for many reasons.
But next month if we have more snow, we will see the deer coming closer to the house and even sleeping in the yard.
I bet they'd love some of the sweet feed I have for the equine!
Goodness, you must be the deer central diner! Oh, sorry to hear the hunters are also feeding them. And I hope your hubby's back improves soon.
Poor Joe! A heating pad will do wonders for his back.
I always enjoy seeing your deer, they must really feel safe in your yard. Take care, have a wonderful day!
How wonderful that you feed these beauties.
Beautiful, I wouldn't be able to resist feeding them!
I hope that pesky back is improving.
Lots of deer would be a highlight of my day too.
And a beautiful highlight indeed. If I saw deer in my yard like this, I would be over the moon. Oh dear on the hunting and I didn't know they put food out.
Wow, that would be awesome. I love the pictures.
You and the deer have a pretty good relation. You feed us, and we'll provide photo ops. Seems fair.
We don't feed them because then they congregate and spread disease. They do come through and check out the empty bird feeders at home. They are fun to watch!
Great highlight of the day. Our deer seem to come around in the night.
Looks like a serious invasion of deer! They must be U.S. Democrat Deer, looking for a safe place to stay for a few years. Thanks for helping them out. Linda in Kansas
I guess it is different here. Lots of people feed the birds, and that attracts predators. We're pretty isolated on our 16 acres.
Ours visit, have a mouthful, and leave. We haven't seen many diseased animals. They don't live that long here due to hunters, traffic, etc.
It is different. The DNR forbids feeding in areas were there has been Chronic Wasting Disease to combat the spread of it. Sorry, I should have said that first!
They are fun to watch.
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