Monday, 30 December 2024

What remains...

 As promised, there was a mystery in the snow beside the frog pond. There were tracks beside a tree. Also a spot of blood or two. I like mysteries. 

At the end of the pond, the kids put the turkey carcass out for the critters. This is the 'before.'

The old camera, on the birch tree in the middle, and the second camera on the right, taking stills. 

I walked back down the next day, the box was empty.

Tell tale signs! Coyote tracks. I was excited.

I had to dump a lot of videos, it spent a long time there!

Concurrently, the new camera has very clear photos.


 Later, a coyote came back, but you could see a less dominant critter in the corner background.


I'm done with Christmas/Hanukkah movies!  I watched an Ann Rule movie based on her book, A Rose for her Grave, based on the life of Randy Roth. What a predator! 
I rounded off the day watching What Remains (2022) based on the life of Sture Bergwall.  I couldn't finish it. Gruesome. The other TV had football on it.

Instead, I played around with my videos!


eileeninmd said...

Great captures of the coyote. They really spook me, I heard they are around my area too. I have not seen one yet.
Take care, enjoy these last days of 2024. I wish you and yours all the best in 2025, a happy and healthy New Year.

Anvilcloud said...

That one camera does seem to produce better images.

RedPat said...

That coyote looks healthy.

Elephant's Child said...

Your new camera takes stunning photos.

DrumMajor said...

Lots of criminal drama in your neck of the woods! Linda in Kansas

Jeanie said...

You get more fun out of your camera than anyone I know! A coyote! Pretty nifty!

KarenW said...

For some reason the video won't play for me. What ate the carcass? The fisher loves the remains around here.

Mary Kirkland said...

Very interesting to see what critters come your way.

Red said...

It's better to be active rather than sit on your butt.

Cloudia said...

You have a better show out your window than on any TV. Aloha friend

DeniseinVA said...

Fascinating animals! We have had several sightings in our neighborhood lately.