Thursday 13 June 2024

Strawberries are ready in Ontario!

But first: Muskrat has been busy down at the frog pond. 


Muskrat from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

These from the other side of the pond. 

It is filled with non-invasive phragmites, as well as invasive Frog bit. 

The strawberries are early this year. Miller's Bay is not only selling them at the road side stand, but Pick Your Own! Here is a teeny wild strawberry in the grass.

I sent Joseph Brian to them to bring home some rhubarb and strawberries. Rhubarb Crisp!

I quite enjoy the caterpillar tree. There is a battle for the top spot. If one is up there, the other launches itself up and faced with the sibling, jumps down. Until this month. Cinnamon was quite firm and insisted on snuggling with Nutmeg. She was not pleased. But he won.

Somebody has to cover up during walks. We do have Lyme Disease here, too, Barb. The doctors are pretty good at treating it these days. It is common. The trick is to get them off ASAP.  My lawn tractor is not working properly and is out for repairs. What can I do but wait?! The bugs hide in the grass.

We have lots of critters!

hare June 4 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

turkeys may 28 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

porcupine may31 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Tom said...'s finally strawberry time.

Kathy G said...

I bet you'll be glad when the grass can be cut and you don't have to bundle up to go outside.

Christine said...

Yummy on strawberries and the rhbarb crisp looks so good

Barbara Rogers said...

Mr. Bunny has such big dark eyes, and looked right at the camera! I loved seeing how he munched that stalk of grass! How long will your pond hold enough water for Ms. Muskrat? I vaguely remember it is seasonal.

Divers and Sundry said...

Fresh strawberries! The crisp looks tasty. Now I have the song Muskrat Love in my mind 😊

eileeninmd said...

Love the strawberries, yum!
Cute kitty photos.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Jenn Jilks said...

Good remembering, Barb!
It is a vernal pond, formed from rain and snow melt. It could dry up in July or August. Of course, it depends up on rainfall. We shall have to see.
One year we had 6 muskrat kits! In 2014 McGregor Muskrat is back.

Anvilcloud said...

Oh good! The stands will open soon.

RedPat said...

I will have to go looking for some strawberries.

Patio Postcards said...

Looks like a bumper crop of strawberries this year - yeah. Ms Muskrat has been busy - fascinating creature. I watched a special on ticks & Lyme disease. According to this specialist, there are over 30 types of ticks in Ontario & only 1 causes Lyme disease & guess which one is on the rise in Ontario!?!

Elephant's Child said...

I do love fresh berries - though I usually just eat them raw rather than cook with them. Your critters are great and would keep me entertained for hours.

Red said...

The first rhubarb and strawberries are the best.