
Saturday 4 May 2024

Saturday's Critters

 Critter Watch 2024

It is a busy ecosystem. A wonderful habitats for lots of critters, we are so grateful to live here.

  • 🦉 Barred Owls are singing from time-to-time.
  • 😼 Cat visitors – currently a Harlequin Tabby.
  •      FISHER – all winter! Now scarce. Thankfully.
  •      Fred Groundhog - showed up March 30th. Fred now has a mate.
  •      Muskrat – under the dock, April 12.
  • 🐣  PHOEBE - began visiting the shed March 28th, settled on the old nest under the deck. First egg, May 3rd. 
  • 🐣 ROBINS – first sighting May 4th.
  • 🐦Wood ducks – eggs April 28. 
  • 🕷 TICKS – first one May 5th, only 2 this year.
Phoebe egg
They will lay one a day until there are five. They don't sit on them until they are all there. This way the first one hatches at about the same time as the fifth. 

Fred in the flowers, and fred in the shed! We had a chat about his redecorating.  He squeaked at me.

Joseph Brian rescued a turtle and took him to the vet. They have a turtle specialist. If it is a female, and pregnant and dies, they will harvest the eggs. All our turtles are at risk. The poor turtles are crossing from winter habitat to their summer habitat. It is often across a road. We lost a large bullfrog on the highway last month. It was the same issue. 

The coyote in the forest:


coyote apr. 25 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Deer in the forest:

doe a deer from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Emerging from below, I climbed up the hill and spotted deer across the highway.

deer friends from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

In the backyard, Labbit Cottontail.

cottontail 'Labbit' from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

In our frontyard, Labbit! I have bad news for them. The bird feeder has its last handful of food. I'll wash the feeders and put them away until the fall.

cottontail Apr 29 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

This was really fun. If you don't watch any of the other videos, watch this one! Fred gets goosed by mate Fred. The squeal is a hoot.

Fred goosed from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Saturday's Critters # 542 <= visit more critters here.


  1. Cute variety of critters. I always enjoy seeing your deer friends.
    The last Fred photo is cute. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. Hari OM
    I believe I may be in love with Fred. Both of them! YAM xx

  3. That video with Fred is great.

    You are true friend of wildlife. I can do without ticks though.

  4. You get a lot of fun with the variety of critters in your area: deer, coyotes, rabbits, birds, owls etc... Sadly, I don't have them in my urban surroundings.

  5. Your place is like a sanctuary!

  6. You have a menagerie. That squeal!!!

  7. Delightful! Fred is so cute. Thanks for sharing with us, Jenn. Aloha

  8. Hello Jenn :=)

    You live in a wooded area rich with wildlife. It is truly amazing how many creatures live nearby your home, and you even have names for them. They wander on to your property as any pet would do, it is wonderful to see how they trust you.
    Enjoy your weekend

  9. The roadkill of turtles is nothing short of tragic. It breaks my heart every year.

  10. I love your critters. Thank you to JB and to you for taking care of them when needed.

  11. You are great stewards of the land and make things better for the critters.

  12. What a neat list of critters! It’s sad about the probelms of the turtles.
    best, mae at

  13. I really do envy you all your wildlife!!! Great photos, great videos!


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