Monday 25 September 2023

September is nearly done!

As we head into October, a peek at September rains.  

rainstorm Sept. 17 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I've been having fun with outdoor decor. Scarecrow sits atop the cat. 

Just before I placed her there, I found a dock spider attacking a caterpillar. 

dock spider from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Some birds migrate, like phoebe. I heard one a couple of days ago. 

Some of our birds do not migrate.

I have heard our hawk in the forest. It is a juvenile rough-legged hawk, and has figured out how to fly and eat prey!

The crows and blue jays are having issues. They are calling to one another. It made me think of West Side Story 1961, The Jets and the Sharks. I heard quite a few motorcycles making a lot of noise on the highway on the weekend. For someone with anxiety (triggered by noise), I got so irritated. I am glad to know what the point was. There were 400 motorcycles in Perth to honour veterans.



David M. Gascoigne, said...

The roar of a motorcycle irritates me more than just about anything I can think of.

Barbara Rogers said...

Couldn't get the hawk vid to play. That sure was a lot of motorcycles, and in their video they just didn't have any engine sounds, simply a swish of tires. Not realistic at all. We know those machines make noise just driving by. But I am glad they did that rally for vets. Yes birds do like to claim their territories and try to get others away...jays and crows are so raucous in their speech. Me, mine, me!

Patio Postcards said...

Hahaha to the Jets & Sharks as the Blue Jays & Crows - best description! We have the two birds going at each other every morning. This new visual will help.

RedPat said...

I hadn't heard many Blue Jays all summer but yesterday they were certainly making their presence known.

Karen said...

The crows and blue jays are having a good old territory battle here too.

Anvilcloud said...

That's an impressive number. I wonder if the police escort extended out of town.

Nancy J said...

Motorbikes of glorious sizes, twin seaters and more, and so clean and shiny, what delight they residents would have to see this parade drive through each complex. Love your arrangement on the stone cat !!!

eileeninmd said...

Love the hawk photo! September is flying by. Take care, have a wonderful week!

Elephant's Child said...

Where has the year gone? It is rocketing past.
I take your point about revving motorcycles but LOUD music from inside cars irritates me more.

Lowcarb team member said...

I can't believe how quickly September has flown by.
I do like the scarecrow on top of the cat.

All the best Jan

DrumMajor said...

Might need cotton or ear plugs with 400 motorcycles in town! Linda in Kansas

William Kendall said...

That's a lot of motorbikes.

Divers and Sundry said...

I have trouble getting photos of the birds, as they don't tend to stay put long. I enjoy yours. Our blue jays have been scarce lately, even though their peanuts are in their usual place.