Thursday 31 August 2023

🍄 It's mushroom and fungus season!

I like the changing seasons. One of the signs I like to see are the mushrooms, fungus and toadstools. I asked Cinnamon if he wanted Walkies. He did! He knows the word, you see, and gets ready to go.

He did stop to 'powder his nose!'
Next, up a tree. Everything is still green and leafy. For now!

I can see where the pileated woodpecker has been busy.

He wasn't much help finding any, but that is OK. I love the variety. I don't understand why some are brightly coloured, others white, yet others a beige. 
The blue ones were a surprise. I think. Or maybe I should check out last year's crop. I am getting old and forgetful! 😏 (UPDATE: YAM tells me it is: Blue Roundhead, one of the Agaricus group.)

Many colours, shapes, and sizes.

🧚 It's as if fairies sprinkled them along the ground.

mushrooms in the forest from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Tom said...

...I don't know their names, but I like them.

Barbara Rogers said...

What an interesting collection of fungi! I dare say Cinnamon had little interest in them!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Aren't they gorgeous? Your blue one is Blue Roundhead, one of the Agaricus group. YAM xx

DrumMajor said...

I didn't know there were blue mushrooms! Surprised the woodpecker pecked so low on the tree. Linda in Kansas

Anvilcloud said...

Those are a lot of shrooms and things. And I am surprised by the woodpecker notches being so close to the ground.

RedPat said...

Such variety.

Karen said...

There has been a surprisingly large crop of mushrooms all summer thanks to the wet condtions. We ate our first puffball last week. It was kind of soft though and ended up looking and tasting like scrambled eggs. We keep looking for the big balls.

Jeanie said...

You have some absolutely amazing specimens and wonderful photos. I'm not seeing so many up here yet. usually I do by now.

DeniseinVA said...

Those fairies were busy :) Great series of mushroom photos. So many different kinds and all fascinating.

Olga said...

That is quite an array of fungi.

Nancy J said...

When I was a child, I collected the mushrooms, and cannot remember how, but guess my Dad took them somewhere and they were sold. One paddock always had them in a " Fairy Ring" as I called it.And home grown, either on a smaller section or a farm, always taste the best. Those varied colours, what surprises waited for you and Cinnamon.Guess most/all of those are for colour and display and not for eating.!!!

Cloudia said...

Oh wow that's magical! I love the changing seasons. Thank you for sharing them with me. They change in Hawaii but not like they do in Ontario! Aloha

Elephant's Child said...

Love your fungi and have never seen blue ones.

Red said...

Wow! Have got a variety.

William Kendall said...

Cinnamon is a good travel companion.