Wednesday 30 August 2023

Garbage day, and flowers

 Things are quiet at home. Quiet is good! Sunny skies are heartwarming. Lots of people are out enjoying the weather, those who aren't facing wildfires, drought, or hurricanes. It is horrific for many folks. 

Monday morning is garbage day on our road. I got dressed, and headed out with our container. I always take my camera. This is what I found. The garbage was quietly scattered, as if flung from a vehicle. Usually the critters get into it.

I went back inside to have my morning coffee ,and back out armed with gloves and a bag, and cleaned it up. This has happened before. Tourists staying at a cottage, or camping, don't want to take their garbage home, they dump it on someone's driveway, or chuck it out their window. Any garbage is susceptible to the critters: skunks, raccoons, coyotes, crows. They all go after it. 

I think, based on what I found, it was a trucker. There were several fast food containers and receipts. A cash receipt from a hardware store, as well. There was a blue and white medical pad you place under incontinent persons – right under our mailbox. Also, lots of unused paper napkins. Some people are pigs.

OK, back to nature. Seeing as it is the end of the growing season, for the most part, here were the Angel's Trumpet July 17th compared to Aug. 25th.

This is so pretty!

The potato ivy was a lovely deep purple last week. This week, it is more green.

The dinner plate hibiscus I had to tie up. They were waving back and forth in the wind,  and it seemed prudent. They are as tall as me, well, that is average, but you know what I mean! I was so proud of gathering the energy to do some work. 

We had 16 mm rain in the early hours today. There was a thunder storm around 1:30 a.m., and Cinnamon didn't like it. He came into bed with me, watching the lightning flashes out the window. It has been a rainy month, for the most part. Not a lot, but a little over many days. I even watered the day before!

No good deed goes unpunished. It was a foggy morning and the hibiscus were leaning drunkenly.

It was a pretty touch.


Tom said... is garbage day here. My sweet potato vines, both yellow and purple are doing well, something is snacking on them.

RedPat said...

It doesn't feel quiet when you had to go and clean up the messy garbage that fools left.

Anvilcloud said...

We also had the storm, but I slept through it. An advantage of being hearing impaired, I guess.

Divers and Sundry said...

How discouraging :( Garbage day is Tuesday here, and we are in an urban area in a residential area without tourists where we are provided with cans that protect against the wildlife. It's sad to think people take advantage of your scenic area and then trash it on their way out.

Oh, that hibiscus!!! We're in a dry week here with lower temps, nothing like your rains. We'll see what next week brings.

Barbara Rogers said...

That's such a shame that you had to clean up from the insensitive trucker. And definitely his karma now will include a stint as a garbage collector! Love your beautiful white flowers against all the green. Verdant might be a word for your garden these days...or is that too tropical...

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Oh, so sad to see garbage left about.
And so good of you to clean it up!
What a lovely hibiscus.
Enjoy the weekend...

Nancy J said...

Down here, in our street, it is garbage day too!!! All the trucks have automated pick up levers?? Just make sure your truck is in the right place and let that magic do all the hard work.Not like years ago, when the rubbish collectors had to run alongside the truck and manually lift the containers into the huge sloped bin.Gloves, a necessity these days for any roadside picking up work. Love your flowers.

Elephant's Child said...

A huge sigh at those who are too lazy to properly dispose of their garbage.
How I love your garden. And long for rain.

Red said...

Slobs dump their garbage at my place before they hit their own house.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I guess I'm glad I live in a city because I don't get those terrible messes to clean up. Bless you for all you do. Others may not be so caring and all those napkins could fly away if there was a high wind.

Your yard looks beautiful in fog. Your plants are still looking beautiful, too.

Jeanie said...

Why do people do that? And a whole bag. Awful.

The garden -- wonderful!

DeniseinVA said...

Good grief, that’s terrible throwing their trash around like that, appalling! Yes, solace in nature, a perfect description and each photo is solace to me. Interesting rainfall information too. Thanks Jenn :)

Cloudia said...

Quiet is good! Thanks honey

William Kendall said...

Humans are dismaying.