Friday 4 August 2023

A busy week!

 Despite tornado warnings, it didn't hit us. One between us and Ottawa. I was with a client, and we watched the skies.

Busy days. Hubby had his quarterly PSA blood test, and it only took one bandaid! The results are good. We are pleased.

I went back to have my eyes retested, after being diagnosed with floaters and secondary cataracts. (Yes, I'll need a touch up sometime.) Otherwise, all is good, but it is difficult to see as I write this! Fortunately, I had a driver.

On the drive into town, two cute little doggies.

I guess this post is in reverse order! In the morning, I mowed the lawn. There are large wood frogs everywhere, as well as leopard frogs both green and brown. This one kindly hopped onto the sidewalk.

Another Viceroy butterfly near Fred's burrow entrance.

I love the quaking aspen. Our little forest is growing. The previous owners cut the grass here. With the sumac dying in this patch nearby, I am happy something is growing. 


The Fearsome Foursome Flyers Drivers drove around a snowstorm, which delayed their arrival at their next destination, they changed plans. I guess the good news is that in winter, few of the scary critters are out and about. Josephine adores reptiles and amphibians.

What should have been a 2 1/2 hour trip – they revised to avoid the bad roads. They had to change accommodations, as well. 

On the way there, they had pit stops, of course. And stretch breaks.


Anvilcloud said...

Your floaties must be really bad to affect you so much.

Tom said...

...stay busy and safe.

DUTA said...

That's good news about hubby's test results. As for your secondary cataract they'll probably suggest a 5-minutes laser.
Have a wonderful weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Love the cute doggies in the window, the Monarch and the cute frogs.
I am glad all is well with your eyes, for now. I have a blurriness in my eyes that comes and goes, drives me batty. Take care, have a happy day and happy weekend!

Nancy J said...

I am impressed with your route maps. Yes, a huge detour, but they made it here safely. A delightful visit, I had hoped Josephine and Isabelle would be able to stay for a good while, and fly home later.Didn't happen !!!!Great group photo too. Did Caitlin send one to you? We had sunshine all day and this morning 8C in the verandah. XXXXX

Nancy J said...

I, too, might need laser treatment, not sure if in both or one eye, even after cataract surgery a tiny sliver can be still there,at least that is what I remember my optometrist saying .Your eyes will be not able to see well if there were strong drops used, it takes ages for that affect to wear off.

Cloudia said...

I'm glad things are good for you both! Thanks for taking us along. Aloha, Jenn

RedPat said...

It is good that the bad storms are missing you. The weather is so crazy.

Elephant's Child said...

I really, really love the leopard frog. I am so glad that the blood test results were good.

Red said...

Very few frogs here.

Divers and Sundry said...

Awww, I love the frog photos. It's encouraging to see how quickly trees can return to a previously mown space. Nice!

William Kendall said...

The dogs are sweet.