Friday 28 July 2023

Another storm, here and there!

My volunteer hospice gig was cancelled. I tootled around the house. I made a cabbage salad from a cabbage JB brought me from down the road. The flavours are 'getting acquainted, ' to quote my late mom. I used to get calls from the church ladies for a cabbage salad and pie. I'd have to phone my mother every time for her recipe. Now, I research it and/or make it up as I go!

The day before there was a buccaneer plane cruising around. They are interesting planes. 

Sadly, a Cessna crashed near Ottawa, in Alexandria yesterday. We had a Cessna buzzing the lake last month.

buccaneer plane from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo

🌳 My poor old catalpa hasn't given up the ghost yet. It was burned during a too-warm winter or two, damaging the cambium layer. Shoots have been coming up. The first photo is from 2020, after the tree died, I trimmed it up, with help from the grandies. The grape vine has successfully climbed up to give us more green. 

Here is the catalpa from the other side. You can see the wild grape ivy up at the top. (It was both smoky and hazy with humidity.)

That was a heckuva storm! I watched it approach, wondering if I should fill the bathtub. It avoided us, but reigned terror in southwestern Ontario, as well as in the US. These are screen captures of the impending storms. We are on well water and if the power goes, we have to use the water barrels to flush. There were 14,000 in Ontario without power after the storm. Most are back up today.

storm July 26-7 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Happily, we just had lots of rain, no lightning. It was A LOT, 40 mm (1.5")! 

🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘 🚘

The Fearsome Foursome Flyers have hunkered down in the winter weather in New Zealand for a tour. 

It was pouring in Auckland! There is nothing like rain on the roof.

New Zealand rain from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

They have rented a car, and are currently in Hahei. 

Lawnmowers Son Art Gallery


Tom said...

...New Zealand looks like a wonderful destination.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
NZ in winter is very nearly as bad as Scotland in winter - or even summer! I've heard lots of rain on metal this past few days. A sound of which I am quite fond. YAM xx

Anvilcloud said...

I see there was a tornado near Petrolia where I used to teach. There was one when I was teaching there too.

Divers and Sundry said...

I heard about that plane crash on the news. :(

We lived in a house once that had catalpa trees. I'd never heard of them before. They are amazing trees, aren't they!

The rains have been strange here. One day we got more rain than we usually get in a month. I love your photos.

Barbara Rogers said...

Glad you didn't have power outage, though everything got watered well with that storm. We haven't had rain for a week I think. A bit odd for here in summertime. Wherever the showers have hit have missed us. Fortunately just up in 80s here, while other have sure suffered worse. Love the New Zealand pics of your grands! Bet they're making lots of memories and just don't even know it!

Olga said...

I absolutely loved my trip to New Zealand. Constant change of scenery as we toured around and all if it beautiful.

RedPat said...

Those girls are well traveled.
We just got rain too but not as much as you did.

Nancy J said...

Just as well they have warmer gear, it's getting colder now with more snow for the skiers. So glad you stayed safe during that storm.

Elephant's Child said...

We could do with some rain. New Zealand is a beautiful place, and I am glad the travellers are rugged up.

Red said...

Was the plane with the propeller to the back called a Dornier? They were a weird bird but didn't catch on for some reason.

William Kendall said...

As I was reading this my phone just sent off an alert about a tornado watch.

Cloudia said...

Have a beautiful weekend

Christine said...

Wow on New Zealand!

Lowcarb team member said...

I was fortunate to visit NZ many years ago now, but it's such a beautiful country.

All the best Jan