Tuesday 13 June 2023

The garden grows!

🥫🍌🍊Groceries: Red wrote about doing groceries! Well, more about NOT doing them! I used to do groceries. When I became pregnant with Caitlin (1979), I could no longer tolerate the smell of coffee! The grocery store made me want to throw up. My first accountant husband took up the cause. As a single mom, in 1993, I had to do it all over again. Fast forward to 2005, when my second accountant husband JB retired, he took up the cause. I didn't really take it back! When he had surgery in 2014, I had to do it. No problem. He took it back from me when he recovered! COVID made things simpler. When we needed groceries I would do an online order. It was great. JB usually does it once a day, these days. 

Anyway, the garden. How glorious!
The birds out front have been amazing. Red-eyed vireos, and goldfinches in the horse chestnut tree. 

Across the highway, a lovely field of flowers, Dame's Rocket. I transplanted some, and they thrive.

I put the garbage out early Monday morning. There was a ribbon snake. They are beautiful snakes. Just a lovely colour. I went around behind it, to scare it out of the garage, but it was less than eager. I picked it up and put it into the planter. 

I found blonde Butch in the back. They are around infrequently. 

blonde butch June 10 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Picture it: the wild flowers are bladder campion. (I thought it was bladderwort!) I caught Bambi eating them. You can see how dry the lawn has been. Happily, we've had 22mm rain (25mm= 1") over the past two of days. What a relief.


She ran off when she saw me. Camera shy, perhaps! 

young doe from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.



I don't remember these flowers. I took a photo of the lily buds because, well, we live in deer country! I think I might get lilies this year, though! the new fence seems to be working. 

The allium are safely growing inside the fence. In the background, the clematis are in bloom. 

This end of the garden has one hosta poking out from the fencing. Bambi can have this one! Hopefully, the one inside the fence will be safe. They love the hostas best!

We had front yard visitors, to make my point. The bucks are unusual in the front yard. They must be frequent visitors. 

2 bucks June 11 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.


Tom said...

...yep, it peony and poppy time!

Anvilcloud said...

Shopping daily must be a little outing for a retiree.

DUTA said...

Rain is good news. Keep getting some more!

Barbara Rogers said...

Great critter photos today! Glad you got an inch of rain. That buck sure did like your hosta which you left outside the fence for him. The flowers are so pretty, and maybe you've foiled the deer with that new fencing plan...I couldn't see what it was made of, just the tall stakes. It's working, which is what counts.

Kathy G said...

I love peonies, but when I had a bush it seemed like just after the blooms opened there would be a heavy rain that would knock the petals off.

RedPat said...

Poppies are so cheerful to see.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely videos!

Also the snake is very pretty.

DeniseinVA said...

My hubby does all the shopping these days. He thanks his mother as she was always sending her boys out for something. So I thank her too as he genuinely enjoys shopping. Pretty flowers and lovely nature photos. I had another good time looking at all your photos and videos. Thanks Jenn!

Elephant's Child said...

How I wish I could grow peonies successfully. It is the sulphur crested cockatoos that destroy bits of our garden. They did up my spring bulbs and often behead and shred any that flower.

Red said...

We have mostly mule deer here with the big ears. I can't get used to the white tailed deer with the small ears.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You have healthy looking deer! All that good food, I do not have Tiger Lilies anymore the deer eat them right away:( Stay cool!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love your flowers, the deer, the raccoon, and your hostas. I hate buying groceries, but I do it or I will starve.

Jeanie said...

Your garden looks great, except for the snake! Love the deer -- and the poppies!